Lake Norman Ride-May 17-18


drillin like a villian
so, go ride outside of the no wake zone.......... bottom line, you still have to follow the rules.

Agreed, but you had to have been there...the entire area was no wake, no joke. It had to have been, I dunno 2 or 3miles before you got to open area, seemed like forever and set of fouled plugs later. It was a nice place to have the event otherwise, I really give BROSS a ton of props for his hard work.


The future right here
Lake Norman, NC
I wanna say sorry to everyone, the first time I went down there, the cove looked alot bigger. I didn't know we would get b**ched at so much by the locals. Next year gonna have it somewhere else for sure. I still have shirts left over, large and XL for $10, let me know. All in all it wasn't bad, besides the campground being a little red and the locals giving grief. Oh yea, and my ski running for 15 min. (leaking base gasket :( ).
they saw the wedge and it scared them!!!:eek5:


buncha pansy homowners called the water swine

Wow! blast from the past?!


pimpin' aint ez...
Austin Texas
Had a blast, it was good to get out of Texas. Even though we were kicked off the lake, it happend at the end of the day so it wasn't too bad. It was great meeting everybody!


drillin like a villian
Thanks BROSS and everyone else who helped put this together even if we did get kicked off a little early. Whered u guys end up riding on Sunday? How'd it go?

A few of us rode a Stutts Marina, the wind was kicking up some little stuff for us to play on. Thanks to the couple from TN that helped me load my ski in my truck. Jessica? I think her name was...3rd time on a stand up, out there ripping up the chop. Impressive!


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I'm curious here how did this get advertised on x-h20 as a "freeride" on the front page being unproven. Many people take these expensive vacations serous. I think newbies should stay in the events or local section before xh20 puts an apparent stamp of approval on such events. lou


North Carolina
Hey LOU,It wasnt a big ride but it was a great time with alot of great people .BILLY did a great job getting it together,you should have been there.
:chairshot:Tell the crew hello:biggthumpup:


The future right here
Lake Norman, NC
I'm curious here how did this get advertised on x-h20 as a "freeride" on the front page being unproven. Many people take these expensive vacations serous. I think newbies should stay in the events or local section before xh20 puts an apparent stamp of approval on such events. lou

Not sure I understand... 30-40 people getting together for a "Freeride" was exactly what happened. Sure it wasn't to the scale of Daytona but I had to start somewhere. Sorry if I offended anyone, not sure I did though...
Not sure I understand... 30-40 people getting together for a "Freeride" was exactly what happened. Sure it wasn't to the scale of Daytona but I had to start somewhere. Sorry if I offended anyone, not sure I did though...

I think he was talking about you guys getting kicked out. Fact is, you took the time to get a bunch of people together for a fun weekend. I just saw some pics....Looks like you all had a good time! This looks like a ride I may be able to make next year.... :cool:

check your pm
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I had a great time, thanks to Billy for putting it together for us! If we could do it again by Stutts in the open area, I think we would be golden. It was fun while it lasted though, and it was good to see some familiar faces again!


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
Yeah props to Billy for putting this together:bananapowerslide:
I had a great time, rode both days
hung out at the campfire
hit huge wake surfing boat wakes
saw whitecaps
rode an incoming thunderstorm :lightning: on Sunday
it was all good!!!
I had a great time too, it was nice meeting everyone. Hell, I think next time I'm just gonna leave my ski at home! lol
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