LALALA Connect the Dots.

I will probably have it for at least 7-8 years. If I sell it, the buyer will get to pay less in taxes because it is "worth" less with an old 550 title.

I will see how things pan out with Madmat. If he gets a title for his, I'll go legit. If they f with him anymore, I'm goin out the back door.

There are several reasons that Madmat is having problems with his boat. 1) Obviously his custom AM hull came w/o any hin. 2) His current boat has massive registration issues of its own. The hull came from auction and has it's own hin and title issues. 3) The drivetrain he is using has been pieced to together and no part of it has ever been registered to him or a boat he has owned.

Unfortunatly since PWC and Boat theft is pretty common and parting out said PWC's and boats is the most common destination Ohio and other states try to get a handle on that by being biotches about matching motors to hulls etc.

Right now ODNR / DMV is just trying to sort out and make sure none of Madmat's stuff is stolen he will eventually get his title and in the future it will be a non issue if he wants to register it sell it etc.
The difference here is that Madmat's old hull has a questionable past. He should have never even mentioned the old hull. He should have said he bought an engine and hull and built the Envy... Since his hull is questionable and the numbers don't match his shiot has been flagged at the ODNR office and they are going to check every part to make sure nothing comes back stolen once it clears they will issue a title with the correct matching numbers for him.

In your case your hull paperwork is in order and by the time that you go to register your new hull your old hull will be gone and sold. Don't mention the fact that it was sold sans motor. If asked say it was sold complete to me for $1... Then tell them you bought a used drivetrain and the custom hull and made them one badazz ride. You will escape being flagged and should get your paperwork in short order.

Part of the reason Ohio is a biotch is b/c O.R.C. states that technically boats under 10 ft don't need a title but boat motors over 10 hp are titled. Basically you don't need a title for a row boat unless you put a motor on it.

I have changed plenty of motors in Seadoo w/o issue as long as the hull paperwork comes back clean. The only problems I have had is when a boat comes in from out of state then they want to make sure the motor and hull match and are documented for the Ohio title.

Using another hin will prolly save you a little hassle but in the end it could be huge hassle for you or the next owner down the line. Also with all the travel you do running an Ohio registered ski in so many other states it is best IMO to have proper paperwork.

This could all be solved if these AM hull makers would take the stupid class and pay the $200 or whatever it is to get USCG certified then they could issue their own hin... which btw is a USCG thing that every watercraft manufacturer complies with... doesn't matter what state the hull is manufactured in... States only issue hins in homemade and special cases.
people do the vin swap all the time in lots of cases. the one guy i know has a 1996 Skyline GT-R right off the boat from japan... bought a 1991 240sx and put the vins from that to the skyline.... he gets pulled over all the time... just tickets for what he did wrong... HONESTLY what patrol man is going to look into if the vins match. its not like its a stolen boat, its not like the normal people know the diff between an 87 js550 or a 2003 superjet... people ask me all the time (i havent seen one of those since the 80s... yours in in great condition) as i correct them with... yaa its a 2003 and its actually a yamaha.

idk... i dont think its that big of a deal.
... i think a vin number on properly bought boats that has been swapped will not really bother anyone... but hey im from NY and stand up skis are rare so i wouldent worry


This Is The Way
Staff member
people do the vin swap all the time in lots of cases. the one guy i know has a 1996 Skyline GT-R right off the boat from japan... bought a 1991 240sx and put the vins from that to the skyline.... he gets pulled over all the time... just tickets for what he did wrong... HONESTLY what patrol man is going to look into if the vins match. its not like its a stolen boat, its not like the normal people know the diff between an 87 js550 or a 2003 superjet...

It only takes one.

It may never happen, but if it does, you WILL be sorry. At least if it happens to somebody on the boards there probably wont be a thread about doing it every 3 months.
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Finally Flippin
people do the vin swap all the time in lots of cases. the one guy i know has a 1996 Skyline GT-R right off the boat from japan... bought a 1991 240sx and put the vins from that to the skyline.... he gets pulled over all the time... just tickets for what he did wrong... HONESTLY what patrol man is going to look into if the vins match. its not like its a stolen boat, its not like the normal people know the diff between an 87 js550 or a 2003 superjet... people ask me all the time (i havent seen one of those since the 80s... yours in in great condition) as i correct them with... yaa its a 2003 and its actually a yamaha.

idk... i dont think its that big of a deal.
... i think a vin number on properly bought boats that has been swapped will not really bother anyone... but hey im from NY and stand up skis are rare so i wouldent worry

He is alteast changing everything over on the car that he has to right? windshield, seat belts etc? I'm sure that would get that car inpounded big time...

Props to him though, my bro almost got a R34 GTR but couldn't afford the extra cost of the Americanizing.

Fro Diesel

creative control
Is someone sick? Damn, dude - I thought you were a college graduate. I don't care if this is just an internet forum. If you are going to try to argue a point, you might be taken a little bit more seriously if you not only spelled the words correctly but used the correct words in the first place. You COUGH when you are sick. You get CAUGHT when you do something wrong.

In this case...:poke:..why not bring up the fact that we are talking about HIN numbers not VIN numbers. There is a difference between a vehicle identification number and a hull identification number. :theyareontome:

I had a good laugh around the office when i shared grif's point with everyone. :laugh2:


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Back in the day I had a 1948 Harley and had no title but did have a title for a 1984 special construction bike so we just took a set of number punches and stamped the frame. I went and got it inspected then went to the DMV and picked up plates.



Hooked on the Jamz
that is about the dumbest responses I have ever read. Speeding is illegal, but if you dont get caught you dont get a ticket...

WTF?? Did you mean Grif's response was the dumbest ever or yours was?

I think you just didn't understand what he was asking.:thinkerg:


So long and thanks for all the fish
A friend of a friend did this on a 550 once: Craftsman used to sell tool drawer dividers that were black plastic the exact size as a 550's HIN plate, and since the 440 he was replacing it with had the old HIN plate made of ceramic or whatever that broke, he made a new plate with the drawer divider. The numbers/letters were engraved using an engraving machine that the Navy had. It looked 100% legit.

At least that's what my friend told me his friend did.

The forum has a log of every edit of posts so if it was to go to court they could get those records so using cute smilies isn't gonna help... I don't really think they care that much to come on here looking to bust some average joe the plumber (or dj the teacher in this case)...

:soapbox: Maybe in big Obama government :unitedstates: land they might care that much to bust you...

In the end will it work? yes Will you ever get busted about it? prolly not... Will it be somewhat easier than doing it legit? Yep... But you will know its bogus and will have to wonder what if? Just take the time do it legit... what else do you have todo in the next few months... you can't ride anymore your shiet is broken...

:soapbox: And why are you trying to skimp out on taxes? If you don't pay taxes how is Obama gonna pay for his big government :unitedstates: ???

Don't kill me man... just busting your balls!
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