The small bore billet sleeve is identical to the cast cylinder sleeve.
The reason for the switch is castings have ALWAYS been full of problems from start to finish. As of late the problems just got exponentially worse.
I am sure you are aware we have always had the castings made for us.
Like it was already posted, with castings "You never know what you are going to get".
For example, out of the 100 castings we have made, 10-20 cylinders never even see the machine due to porosity and other flaws. Stock stroke and stroker cylinders. Scrap.
Due to core shift, 5-10 of them the transfers are too low. Scrap
Partway through machining, others have porosity or won't "clean-up", those are scrap.
So out of 100 cylinders we might get 65-75 good parts that are up to Dan's standards.
After all that, cast material is notoriously hard on tooling.
So to be completely honest, the cast cylinder coreboxes had reached the end of its cycle and have to be re-done regardless, so it is there, but not really good to go anymore.
I pushed hard for the end of the cast era and the beginning of the new billet Lamey.
I promise you it will be better and make more power.
The new ones are 5 port as well at the moment
I wouldnt worry about the angled transfer port
most serious high hp engines i know of that are being built these days have the cases opened right up and it will not effect it
It makes me wonder why they did it however the casting was already there and good to go , why go to the work of changing it