Am I missing somthing here?
you sure are........... you left out the "E" in Something............:spank::headbang: :Banane01: :nono: :fing02:okey: :usa2: :fest30:
While we are on the pronunciation subject, someone tell me this. Why do people pronounce Cambridge with a long A sound? According to every rule of the english language, it should not be pronounced with the long a sound.
And coming from Jersey myself, the only way I've ever heard Lamey pronounced is with a long a sound :shrug: maybe im an outcast?
Explain Worcestershire then. The English language doesn't really follow rules. Believe me, we have a 6 year old that is reading at a 3rd grade level, and she wants to know why certain words are pronounced the way they are but not like how they are written.
is it frankenstein or fronkensteen?
explain the name of this town then:If it means anything, I pronounce it it "Wor-chester-shire".
And now you may go back to your happy little lives.