

aka Kathy
Peacan or Pecan.......Who the heck cares really???? As long as I know what they are talking about.... Heck I always include a "G" in Harrison's last name when I have to call him at work and he still loves me......:wiggle:

This has got to be the most ridiculious thread and "attempted" stab that I have seen lately...... :rolleyes:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
you got to admit, that was pretty damn funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did not miss anything, just another episode of "As the crank turns"

Will Wiseco and LA Sleeve Stick togther, Can Mr Solas Concord and Mr Skat Trak learn to coexist.......... These are the wasted days of our lives.......

Now back to American Idol.

"Simon, you are a punk ass bitch who is trying to look like SJ Brit, now there is a guy with class, you sir would not know class if it came up and slapped you with a wet fish"


While we are on the pronunciation subject, someone tell me this. Why do people pronounce Cambridge with a long A sound? According to every rule of the english language, it should not be pronounced with the long a sound.

And coming from Jersey myself, the only way I've ever heard Lamey pronounced is with a long a sound :shrug: maybe im an outcast?


So long and thanks for all the fish
While we are on the pronunciation subject, someone tell me this. Why do people pronounce Cambridge with a long A sound? According to every rule of the english language, it should not be pronounced with the long a sound.

And coming from Jersey myself, the only way I've ever heard Lamey pronounced is with a long a sound :shrug: maybe im an outcast?

Explain Worcestershire then. The English language doesn't really follow rules. Believe me, we have a 6 year old that is reading at a 3rd grade level, and she wants to know why certain words are pronounced the way they are but not like how they are written.


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
Explain Worcestershire then. The English language doesn't really follow rules. Believe me, we have a 6 year old that is reading at a 3rd grade level, and she wants to know why certain words are pronounced the way they are but not like how they are written.

If it means anything, I pronounce it it "Wor-chester-shire".

And now you may go back to your happy little lives.


speaking of last names.... lets go for mine.

most misprounced ever.

Scheidt hehehe

Or ScHeIdT

Just wanted to add some HAHA !:stooges:

i know its a lamey thread... but had to add.
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