I am in as long as there is a Winston break at 1K and 3K
Maybe we'll add a smokers division call it the Marlboro Mile.
I am in as long as there is a Winston break at 1K and 3K
Come on Guys lets keep the thread fun.
If I had a wife as cool and good looking as Mrs. Pancakeoke: I would be running to keep the guys away from her...how about Pete :cool2: you can train with me.
I dont have to train... I am Fit... and between house, dirt bike, construction, and busy all the time... I fit in a little exersize here and there.....
Sweet and you can fit some sneakers in your bag to take down you're all set.
Thats what I'm saying.:bigeyes:a 5k in <= 16min is NO JOKE. we're gonna need to split this up into classes!! :biggrin:
that's my goal right there. i'm at about 10:00/mi right now (according to the pace on the treadmill). ive been running 2.5's everyday since i got my splint/crutches off.
advil is good. :biggrin:
a 5k in <= 16min is NO JOKE. we're gonna need to split this up into classes!! :biggrin:
Im down for this..I'll try not to beat you old guys to bad:biggrin:
Im down for this..I'll try not to beat you old guys to bad:biggrin:
:cool2:your actually coming to something year? :arms: :sneaky: :arms:
Guess its time for me to start hitting the track. I know all you old married guys are going to be running before work every day come April!
Instead of a beer every 1k, i vote jager bomb:skull2: