Lanier Camping

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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
MILF said:
Adrian, Kennie and Harrison - they are allowing us to set up everything in front of your sites...... Get Ready Boys!!!!

I'm ready - it's gonna be FUN!! We may have to keep Kashka in the trailer though otherwise there may not be much food left :wink:


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
waxhead said:
You guys are making me jealous

There is always next year huh

You should plan on it: there are plenty of skis to ride and plenty of people to stay with. Come on over for a stretch and we'll plan a "Waxhead US Freeride Tour" - you'd be the only person in the world with the T-shirt :Banane01:


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
I wonder if i get apperance money like jk
yeah i am planing a big trip over there
At the moment i have a lot of work on
but as it quietens down


Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
Royal Flush said:
That was my site last year. I was going to get it again, but Ron beat me to it. :biggrin:

Golly Gee, thanks for the warning Chic! We'll be sure and call in the EPA and local health dept. to have the site screened and tested before setting up camp!:pokey: :naughty:


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
superrob750 said:
lou pls call me.. i lost you cell number i broke my phone..
Rob check your cell phone. lou Speedfreak our thee sites should be enough I'm with Rob, Marsh & Dan leaving two sights. It sounds like "kingnothing3" next to us in 34 is offering space. You have to remember the sights are of good size(stay on the camping pad) some vehicals will have to park in the commom parking, which is right there and its safe, if its like last year even the mosquitoes need a picture i.d. to get in!!! Lou


The Durty South
SJBrit said:
I'm ready - it's gonna be FUN!! We may have to keep Kashka in the trailer though otherwise there may not be much food left :wink:

Kathy, be sure to put your tenderloin next to my tent!!!
You know what I'm talking about. lol

Keep that dog away from my meat
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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
madoyster said:
Kathy, be sure to put your tenderloin next to my tent!!!
You know what I'm talking about. lol

Keep that dog away from my meat

Watch it now, you have to share a campsite with the beast, and he is, well, "massive" :biggrin:
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