Lanier .....Sunday....

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
we are hitting six flags up tomorrow (saturday)
buzz us if you wanna go with us, she needs someone to go on the rides with
i get sick from them, and i don't want to be sick for Sunday
park opens at 10a
Lanier on sunday with the "gang"

i'll give our cell # in email/PM if anyone wants it

it's been a lil flakey on us
we are also free earlier in the week before we head to Tenn...

we are so ready for an awesome time

we gotta get a "Thong" party for the girls at the Tenn.. event ;) <<<< hint

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Mark--don't you mean "Siesta" day since Chris is 4th generation Mexican now???:biggrin:

you suck...

thats better then the 1st generation jobless he used to be!:bigeyes: :biggrin: :arms: :cheer2:

you suck...(and incidentally, im gonna ride the ever loving crap outta yer ski, run it up on the rocks at lanier, and probably blow up the motor so its gonna be awhile before paul gets it fixed...)

Yeh! the amigos love him

you suck...(and the name is martinez....get it right)

ill see if i can make it

your the "beast" gonna come out and play?


you suck...(and incidentally, im gonna ride the ever loving crap outta yer ski, run it up on the rocks at lanier, and probably blow up the motor so its gonna be awhile before paul gets it fixed...)

do what you gotta do........ just remember what i am capable of :cool2:

your the "beast" gonna come out and play?

now is that anyway to speak of autumn...........:bigeyes: :biggthumpup:
Dan, I'll PM you my cell. call me sunday morning, I'll give you directions.

Don't worry Scott, your boat will be ridden hard, I mean taken well care of! :cool2:

ski ya, Paul

Thats cool. I appreciate the help Paul. It looks like I'm definitely going to be able to make it and Kathy already gave me directions so I'll plan on meeting you all there about noon.

By the way I ride with Reed (Wahoo_1) down in Clearwater, FL and he told me to say hey and that the 2 motors you built him run like sh*t and he is in the process of sending them in for two remanufactured motors from SBT with 2 year warranties!

No really, the motors are running great. I've ridden both the superjet and blaster with your engines in them and they freakin rip! :hail: :hail: :hail:

I'm hoping to one day leave my blaster with you so you can do some of that "majic" to my engine. :woot:

Thanks again and cya tomorrow,
Something came up last night and we had to head back to Auburn late last night so it looks like we won't be able to make it to Lanier today.

Hope you guys have fun.


Hey Chris did u manage to get that old square started after it was sunk!!!

he said no......... but it didnt matter cuz he was dropping it off to your son who was more than gracious to trade your round for it...........said he had to have a tongue hull


The Durty South
Yeh that square really ripped even with water in the gas but, it's a good job it sank.........It put that the fire right out
It stopped smoking too, after u quit putting all that 2stroke oil in the gas
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