First time laying turf. Got all the old turf out and I’m not sure how clean it’s suppose to be, it’s almost never ending getting all the little pieces of old turf and contact cement off.
If you have removed all the turf,sanded with 80 grit,then used acetone (that looks like a can of it) you should be fine.Perfect is great but l think you are there!
Note *you are missing the traditional can or bottle of beer as celebratory accomplishment!?
What Sanoman said and dont forget to acetone the turf and the padding on both sides to break up the production film on the turf. If you dont do beer I would recommend a celebratory Scotch.
Dude you are fine. I didnt do anything to my turf besides heat it up to form it. My tray was nasty after de-turf compared to that. A couple layers of contact cement on turf and tray each and it's not coming up till you want it too.
I think you did a hell of a job. Follow all the advice and it will never fall off.
My only tidbit to add is make sure you put pressure on the pieces you put down for a good 10 to 20 minutes after to make sure every point of turf hits the ski. Wood blocks, hands, helper child, whatevers on hand, lol
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