Other Length difference between Limited and Mod chamber?

Got the mod and compared it to the octane. Length seems the same and the only difference is the stinger- the octane chamber has a second tube welded on over the stinger tube that the mod has, so it requires a slightly bigger coupler hose to the water box...
Kiowa, KS
oh okay cool. I was measuring from the middle of the opening and got 25" but it is 25.5" from tip to tip. So an octane chamber is just a mod pipe with a stinger mod. cool cool
Got the mod and compared it to the octane. Length seems the same and the only difference is the stinger- the octane chamber has a second tube welded on over the stinger tube that the mod has, so it requires a slightly bigger coupler hose to the water box...

xscream and others were modding those chambers with the twin wall stingers for size and water flow
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