lenzi tripple flip


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Nick, Lenzi said he wanted to meet you and party with you also.
He told me that he thinks your cool and likes the way you wear your hair long. He said you remind him of himself, only a taller lankier version.


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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
:brap::brap::brap: here you go. hope he is at the world finals.


I hope he shows at finals too even though Malone wont be competing this year:banghead: I like Lenzi's style better, Malone is cleaner and bigger, but Lenzi is busier and does like 10 times more in same time frame and still looks good doing it. Both are freeking AMAZING.:biggthumpup:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I don't discount his abilities, he has beaten Malone before...

If I was to pick two riders in flatwater freestyle, it would be them there fellas...

I think I would rather party w/ Lenzi though..

Malone is too, well you know... Malone

:haha: perfect, you runnin for office again ha ha ha::biggrin:


watch this video at about 45 seconds and you tell me that his ski is underpowered lmao. Dont hate cuz you cant compete with him. I personally think Lenzi is just as good as Malone. Like was said earlier, he just chokes under pressure of competition it seems. Watch his practice videos, he is nonstop shredding, and he isnt too bad in the surf either.



Nick, Lenzi said he wanted to meet you and party with you also.
He told me that he thinks your cool and likes the way you wear your hair long. He said you remind him of himself, only a taller lankier version.

look at that bulge.... he's packin'

hold on..... :puke:


it would be harder for lenzi to get a fast rotation because of his hair. think of malones short hair compared to lenzi's as a light weight flywheel compared to stock.

that's where style points play a factor.... :biggrin:


Jet zoomers
Anyone remember when Malone was on an am. on an FX1 with keystone yamaha stickers? Like 95? When Lloyd Burlews skis were brighter then his curly tips.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Can we all agree that we would like to take a ride on Leniz's girl friend... I mean jet ski?

I am going to root for Lenzi now. I moved to Eric's home town and tried 3 times to get ahold of him. I guess he is too good to say hello to a fan and BS a little about skis. Really I just wanted to mouch a ride on one of those high dollar skis....

That youngin from Great Brittina will be upstaging all of them in a little while.
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