I have the HPE 809 with the raised up 760 cylinder and the 5mm crank. This engine is fresh and runs very well. I believe that the exhaust port timing is changed with the porting, however it is done. I have the 40cc domes and am getting about 153 psi of compression on a reliable gauge. I was thinking of going to some tighter domes to give my setup a bit more snap. I am limited to 91 octane gasoline and am at 2700 feet elevation. I see that the 38cc domes give +15 psi additional compression. This would put me at about 168 psi, roughly. the 37cc give +22, to 175 and the 36cc +28 to 181. This all assumes that my baseline of 153 psi with 40cc domes would scale up properly based on ADA's ratings. I'm wondering what I can get away with given my fuel and if I would notice much of a difference. Thanks for any advice.