Super Jet Let's talk hull drains...


JM781 Big Bore
Cutting the SN apart tonight to defoam. Gonna go the pink polystyrene route for floatation.

Thinking of either using the Thrust EZ Drain Micro doodads, or regular old drain plugs from a couch. Pros/Cons of either?

Input from anyone running the Thrust units is especially appreciated.


NE Tenn
Opinion wise,l like just drilling a couple holes and running screws in the holes while you ride.Remove after ride.Simple.
Not that l don’t trust versaplugs,but from time to time they do get debris caught in them. But for some guys that may seem to simple.;)

john zigler

Vendor Account
Pink foam will still absorb water, and get heavy if you allow it to be wet.

"IF" you are going to do a drain, I would recommend a tube, from engine compartment to back. Seal up completely so any water from engine compartment will not get foam wet.
I don't trust any foam not to adsorb water over time. That being said, I used the pink foam under our SJ tray. I took a leftover scrap 4"x4" piece and submerged it in a jar of water, two years later still as dry as it was on day one.

I agree with John, put in a tube from engine compartment to the rear of the ski. While your in there reseal every tube and the factory holes make sure no water can get under the tray.


NE Tenn
I don’t believe many skis are 100% “sealed up” John. They may start out that way,but after getting beat for a while you will get some.


JM781 Big Bore
I don’t believe many skis are 100% “sealed up” John. They may start out that way,but after getting beat for a while you will get some.
I would tend to agree. I had this thing apart when I first got it to install footholds. Defoamed it and used about an Olympic sized swimming pool worth of 5200 to seal up every nook and cranny. Now 8 years later the damn thing weighs probably 60 lbs more than my RN. No bueno.


Buy a Superjet
I was able to get my SN 100% sealed (would hold 3psi for 5 minutes) Then one trip to the surf and she leaks all over.. Run the thrust micro ball so it will drain while you are riding too.
in short, it will leak. the very few skis i've torn into i've seen leaks from every place you'd expect and more. if you mount the yamaha drains then you have the option of either running the drain plug or a versa plug.
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