Lightening My Stock Flywheel - Tips

Anybody lighten their stock flywheel? I've been looking for a Rad and havn't been able to come across a used one that fits my budget so I'm thinking of bringing my stock flywheel to the machine shop and asking them to turn it down a little.

Does anyone know how much you can cut? Where to cut?

I figured I'd start at the outer edge and go the smallest there and just taper it back to the corner. Maybe 1/2 the thickness at outer edge up to 7/8 thickness at the transition. Maybe I can continue down the front face a little ways. The most beneficial is to take material on the areas farthest from center and those areas should see less stress except for maybe the transition where it goes from perpendicular to the crank to concentric to the crank.

If nobody has done this, does anyone have one around that they had done by Group K or something. Maybe you can post a couple of the thicknesses in different areas.


Spend the 50 and send it to MaGoo please!! You will feel a lot better. There is a very specific way it needs to be done and then it needs balanced. I could show you a pic but it wont do any good.


I forgot!
he wasn't asking how to send it to magoo but rather if anyone knows how it's done, i too would like to know how they do this mod and then balance it afterwards. although i am bidding on an extra wheel that i will send out to be done by a pro as to not have any down time.

Grand Rapids, MI
I've never had one done by a pro, so I don't know. At my last job we had a machine that could balance a flywheel, but I never tried (it wasn't for flywheels, but it'd work).


I forgot!
if they take off an equal amount all the way around would it not be close to as balanced as it was before they did the mod? and when it needs to be balanced do the just make drill hole to remove some weight fro the heavy side? Who makes the lightest flywheel mod of all the shops?

Grand Rapids, MI
If you take material off on a plane that has balancing holes, then it should be rebalanced. I just checked a 62T fylwheel, it has no balance marks on it, so it's probably good to go w/o rebalancing it. I have a few 61X flywheels and they all have lots of balance marks from the factory.
Thanks for the replies.

I have a couple different flywheels where I don't see any balance marks. I do believe it should be balanced afterwards and I'm assuming the performance engine shop I'd bring it to can rebalance it. I'll make sure I ask. As far as how much material to have taken off doesn anyone know?

Sending it to Magoo is a good option but with shipping and hassles going across the border it'll probably end up being more like $120 by the time I get it back.

I keep getting hit with large duty and brokerage fees lately.



I forgot!
93SJ760 said:
Sending it to Magoo is a good option but with shipping and hassles going across the border it'll probably end up being more like $120 by the time I get it back.

I keep getting hit with large duty and brokerage fees lately.

Yeah i know the feeling, if you find a place here in ontario let me know cause i want to do mine, i thought about bringing to a machine shop that i did some work for a month back, they machine huge stuff and have lots of machines that do all sorts of stuff, i am sure that they could do it but i also don't know about how much to tell them to remove and if they can balance it afterwards.
93SJ760 said:
Thanks for the replies.

I have a couple different flywheels where I don't see any balance marks. I do believe it should be balanced afterwards and I'm assuming the performance engine shop I'd bring it to can rebalance it. I'll make sure I ask. As far as how much material to have taken off doesn anyone know?

Sending it to Magoo is a good option but with shipping and hassles going across the border it'll probably end up being more like $120 by the time I get it back.

I keep getting hit with large duty and brokerage fees lately.

Magoo shipped my flywheel back to Canada for around $12.00 US with a real quick turn around. He used the Post Office and he knows how to fill out a Customs form so no large brokerage fees. It was only 0.207 lb lighter after I got it back.


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at peace
Just to rub it in...a stock 62T flywheel is just under 8lbs. (You took 0.207lbs off)

My MSD Total Loss FW is 1.75lbs. :Banane01:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Damn the typo...:bs2: I apologize. 4lbs is the figure I had in mind. Thanks for clearing it up.

Still...3.5lbs vs 1.75lbs. :biggrin: :haha:
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