Lightning Attack

OK...not to me or any ski, but the house got hit by lightning @ 3:40 AM Sat. morning. My roommate was asleep on the bed in these pics. The bolt hit the halfway up the roof, travelled under the porch and into his room.


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Johnstown, NY
wow! I just showed my gf this... my bedroom is in the attic with a 15ft antenna right outside the window, while shes always been worried about lightening now shes even more paraniod!. lol
Holey shat!!

give us the rundown on 3:41 AM Sat. morning

My roommate yelling at me that "something happened", but didn't know what. I smell smoke and burning electrical.....I poop myself.....find flashlight (no power) and look in his room....sheetrock chunks and dust all over everything....huge hole in wall with smoke billowing out...I poop again. Roomy gets fire extinguisher out of ski (hehehe), I call fire dept...we both run outside into the!ttIng ourselves. Took a breath.
That's one lucky roommate and it looks like he came real close to getting his azz zapped. :scared:

He has a ruptured eardrum and judging from burn marks in the carpet, the current did go through his bedframe. The headboard, mattress and boxsprings all have burns on them. We (especially him) were VERY lucky there was no lasting fire.


Carajo,gringos apestosos
Dude, i was in Texas during that storm and couldn't sleep cause the K-dub was shaking so much. Next day had to drive through a flash flood across US-82, check it.


This is what i was hauling, a 38 foot Regal.
Now maybe everyone will stop asking "Why the hell do I need a fire extinguisher on my ski?"

It's to put out your room mates bedroom, of course!!

LMAO! again. No doubt man!!

And HOLY CHIT on the lightening strike!!
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