Limited slip tank losing prime?

Just put a limited slip tank In my brawler. Running a single pickup to my stock 38's. Every time I run it I have to prime it. Never had this issue with my superjet and stock tank. Anyone have any Ideas?


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
you can pressure test / lead down test the tank with the one way and test the tank without the oneway.
Do you have one of the early tanks with the red plastic cam-lock caps? They can develop slow leaks over time. The fuel additives in ethanol mixed fuels do not play well with anything other than Viton or nylon from what I have found. They work fine with race gas or zero ethanol fuels, but I no longer use them because of this. I can make you a replacement all-aluminum cap if needed.
The easiest way to check is let the ski run enough to prime the tank, then spray some soapy water around the cap. If it is leaking at all, you should definitely see some bubbles.
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