Link bar too long


So long and thanks for all the fish

haha, thanks, my 'shopping skills appreciate it.

I'm hoping someone takes pity on me and can make up some nicer buttons, maybe that actually mesh together and look decent, smaller too.

I just wanted to get something up with all the links, and not with a second navbar. We'll work on the prettiness factor later.


So long and thanks for all the fish
The only one that is repetitive is the Donate button.

I'll work on it, now that i have the basics setup it's easy to upload new buttons and see if they look better.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Once again, this is just to get started, I'll work on them later, live with it for a day or so.

Or, if anyone feels like it, feel free to make some better looking buttons, but I need those links somewhere on the top of the page since people hate the navbar being cluttered, the second navbar is not an option right now, and everyone hates theleft side menu also.

Or, make a better suggestion?


Hooked on the Jamz
Hmmm.. Seems a bit unfinished like it is now. Not terrible though.

Are you able to put tables in that area? Just give each link a border maybe?
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