Lives Well Lived: Tribute to Libby and Zach (TakeastandSJ)

Dear friends,

Please write your fun filled stories about Libby and Zach; experiences, adventures and fun mishaps (if there are any funny mishaps)!

A great way to celebrate their lives and the love they shared for one another, their family and those who touched their lives as they have touched your own.

Tributes are a wonderful way of saying 'we love you, we care, we miss you' and to remember that all life is precious and how we live today is the gift we leave for tomorrow.

The grieving process is also a time to rekindle the memories that make friendship and love so valuable to the human spirit.

Through sharing, we learn and process individual feelings and at the same time, may help another along their own personal journey.

Only respectful and on topic posts and images please.

Live Well.

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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I never met Zack but I feel like I know him, He is the guy that just loved life itself. He is probably the guy that instead of hitting the water he would help others out to get them into the water. But more than loving the water, I feel that he loved Libby and his son more than anything else. The look on his face holding his son and putting him in the tray of his ski shows the love he had to give. His and Libby's memories will live on through their son and friends.

We will miss you Zack and Libby.
The first thing that comes to mind is last years Beach party. Zack was trying to get his ski inspected but the Sheriff kept walking away from him. This went on for about 20 minutes Zack pushing his ski behind the Sheriff while he was inspecting everybody else.
Everybody else panicking, do I have an extinguisher a whistles and Zack just following him waiting?
I guess you just had to be there to see the humor in it.


I have a pic but for some reason i cant up load them


not safe for clowns

That is so classic. I am laughing thanks to you and that pic. This picture is two-fold, wondering when the police were going to see the "for sale" sign we stuck behind their truck and watching Z chase them around being so nice but still saying "come on check my boat already."

Great picture-
Two years ago I got to share a beach house with Zach, Joe Kenney, Lonnie Peralta, Michelle Thompson (Skat-Trak), Brandon West, and some other really nice folks who's names escape me at the moment.

Friday night we'd enjoyed the traditional casual get-together for delicious mexican food and reuniting with our freeride brethern in town. We retired to the two story beach house a group of us were sharing and proceeded to run from room to room, up and down the stairs like little kids calling dibs on premuim sleeping spots. Zach, Michelle and I were to share what would become known as "The Abyss Room"....a small block-walled bedroom sporting two sets of bunkbeds located downstairs. Intitially we thought we'd gotten ripped off - later we'd learn this was the prime spot if you really wanted/needed to get some shut eye.

Upstairs there was one bedroom, the living/kitchen area, and an enclosed patio accessed through a sliding glass door. This room had a ping pong table and boy did Zach and Joe Kenney battle on that table! After a couple of hours of major trash talking about who was going to school who not only on the table, but in the surf (hilarious to hear from the "young pup" Zach to the "Big Dog" Joe), the boys got hungry again. All we had in the house were a few boxes of Mac-N-Cheese. So I set about whipping up this giant pot (all 6 boxes) of Mac & Cheese....they were grubbing like crazy when I finally headed downstairs to get some sleep. Now imagine this nice, quiet, dark room where one could snuggle up in a comfy little twin bunk and snooze.....

Then imagine Michelle Thompson, who has two adolescent sons of her own at home...away for a nice relaxing weekend with friends......friends who are dorks.....and act like kids sometimes.

Not able to finish off the ginourmous pot of pasta, Joe, Zach and Brandon apparently thought a food fight was in order. Just as I'm drifting off to sleep I hear Michelle using her "outdoor mom voice" just reaming these guys...LOL! I came upstairs and cheezy noodles were flying every which way. The guys were chasing one another and smashing it in the other's ears, face, hair - whatever. Poor Meesh was standing in the middle of this chaos pleading with them to stop, but they were having too much fun.

We finally reasoned with them and got them to knock it off and get some sleep. The next morning Zach was the only one who pitched in and helped me clean the mess up. Everyone else bailed and ran off to have fun in the surf. I know Zach was chomping at the bit to get out there too, but he stayed and did the right thing. When John Dady approached me on the beach later that day, he asked "so how bad is the house?" expecting the worst. I assured him Zach and I had taken care of it (John had a close working relationship with the property manager he didn't want damaged).

Thinking back on that morning, I remember Zach and I just kept finding gooey chunks of pasta stuck everywhere. We'd just look at one another, shake our heads, giggle and laugh, and continue to clean. It was in light fixtures, in the track to the sliding glass door, imbedded in knick knacks and framed pictures, stuck to house plants...we were skating on it on the kitchen floor! When everyone else raced out to ride, Zach stuck around and did the responsible thing - with a smile.

Doing the right thing, going huge, working hard and being the best person he could be - with a smile. That's how I'll always remember Zach Waddle.
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I met Zach at the 2005 Hydro Turf IFWA event. I remember him doing his first backy and how stoked he was on it... He always was a super nice guy to be around and like others have mentioned... always had a smile on his face. I'm so happy he got to live a dream by going to the IFWA events around the world... He will be missed greatly in the freride community and we need to keep his spirit alive by remembering him w/ a tribute. I will plan something for Daytona.
Here's some pictures I found in my Photobucket account today...

Zach and his gorgeous custom painted ski by Blowsion, preparing to ride in the Oregon surf, August 2007


Zach nosing one in....same ride


Zach representing with his ride at the HT Surf Slam - Pismo Beach, CA, 2007


Giving pointers to his mechanic...LOL!


Prepping for his session - HT Surf Slam 2007


I'll never look at this place again and not think about Zach

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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
It will be tough for me to go back there to PC... I love that place, but it will always remind me of the tragic loss....

Nick, dont think of it like that. When you go there again, and you think of him, dont think of him being gone, think about how much he loved being there riding. Enjoy the time you are there, think about the good times and memories. Celebrate his life and love of the water.


thanks darin...noswad!
Nick, dont think of it like that. When you go there again, and you think of him, dont think of him being gone, think about how much he loved being there riding. Enjoy the time you are there, think about the good times and memories. Celebrate his life and love of the water.
I truly believe he would want us all together as well.
Yep - I totally agree. I didn't mean my comment to come off as "I can never go there and be happy again" - quite the contrary - we *should* go there and be happy we knew this man - and honor his memory by continuing to do what he was so passioante about. Who knows, maybe one day, one of you will have the privledge of teaching his little boy how to ride. I'm certian Zach would have wanted to share that with him.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I'll always remember this little bit from the 2007 Long Beach Freeride:

The weather on Saturday was terrible. Rain, high winds, cold.
Zach was out there tuning his boat. He came with Randy (Watcon) and Mark "DokWok" Matsuda.
When he was done riding, Randy drove over there with his truck, right into the wet sand.
I helped Zach load up his shiny nice ski on the trailer, and he gave Randy the go ahead.
Randy started gassing it, only to sink the back end of the truck into the sand.
A couple of sneaker waves actually washed way past the truck.
Somebody started to run for another truck to pull him out.
Randy didn't look too concerned.
Zach to Randy: "Hey, you got it in fourwheel drive?"
Randy: "........?"

He proceeded to shift into 4WD and drove right out.
We stood there laughing for a while over that one.
Dear friends,

John Dady from Blowsion sent out a notice on the website for Mason.

You will be able to visit it when it is completed later this evening. There are many people who have contributed to this and a warm thank you is extended to all.

Zachs step father is trying to gather the details of the funeral shortly, and tenatively is planned for Friday. There may not be a lot of room avaiable for his memorial service for attendees, but you can celebrate his life through helping out thier son, Mason.

If you would like to pay your respects, in stead of flowers a contribution in honor of their surviving son Mason would be greatly appreciated. You will be informed of all updates and remember to tell the person next to you how much you appreciate them and love them, make the world a better place.

And how about some more stories from Zach's international adventures?

Mahalo and Aloha
he always encouraged freeriding

Hello Dear friends,

What can I say? Where does one begin, and where do you end.
I cannot type some sort of thought. What if I forget something, what if it comes out trite?
Its impossible to wrap your mind around the finality.

We hear these things in the news. For a moment we feel something? But we often go on.
Its someone else. Too bad , you think, yep, that’s the feeling. But, its someone else. Its always someone else.

My heart goes to both Zach and Libby’s families. There is nothing I can say to them except I loved your son and cared a great deal for their daughter. They had that Magic together.

We have hardships here in our community not unlike any other small town. Although a global community, it’s the close-knit feeling of a small town group that shares the passion that bring us together.

When something happens to one of us it often affects al of us……the ripples in the water from a single stone growing in concentric circles.

Where does one begin? Where do I begin?

Zack was an ambitious Freerider that was well experienced for his short years. HE was a friend, a husband, a father. He was a son!
Zach was certainly a man for his youth although somewhat boyish in nature.

There are so many things about this kid…its not possible or fair to sum it up into a few paragraphs, or even pages. In a tragically short time, Zach lived volumes worth of experiences that I can only give to you a brief glimpse, merely a chapter in a rich, loving life.

For me, like most here, I came to know Zach though Jet skiing. We would get all sorts of people in our shop from time to time, many become friends, and Zach was not unlike dozens of others at the time. A Young Kid with a SuperJet and a keen fever for riding.

Something took us about Zach. Was it his goofy jokes, his persistence, his eagerness?
I am pretty sure it was because he had what some would call Moxey! A certain get after it attitude! Zack was not the greatest rider and at that time, he was far from world class but he loved it. Worshiped the magazines and burned plenty of high octane fuel, riding as often as he could. To many locally he became a catalyst to form rides amongst riders of all types.

He just crashed the surf with an aggressive effort. Like a kid running into a wall over and over until finally the wall falls. His perseverance and increasing ability soon gained him favor amongst all in our shop as a nut and a rider coming up…….He became a friend to Local IFWA Freerider Darrin Anderson and in many ways Zach worked hard to ride with Darrin at any opportunity. Getting a thorough workout in the surf, his confidence grew.

With all that riding there were increasing break downs, broken parts, cracked hulls and flooded carbs. We got to see Zach a lot. An awful lot. But he was a very adept mechanic and good with his hands. As many here know you almost have to be a little if you ride these damn things. His Ski didn’t look that great and was greasy and mismatched but she ran and he kept her running. Probably from skills developed as a youth with family keeping his 550 going.
Here we probably need to thank His folks. The early pit crew
When Zach decided to go to the IFWA tour in 2005. IT was certainly part of a dream come true. Of course only one of many but we’re talking about jetskiing here right? I think at the time he thought ..”I bet Joe Kenney will be there, Taylor, Jerry Brandon maybe even Darrin”. He’ll go and see first hand what this thing is all about and get a chance to see some of his idols of jetskiing. I didn’t make that trip with him but I did make others and talking to him I recall the stories and us laughing out loud on the plane to Singapore. I used to laugh out loud a lot with him

Zack got to Europe and stunningly; he was alone…no other US riders. In those days he didn’t have all their phone numbers to see what was up, heck, most were still 2D images in the magazines or stars at the Beach gig. It was up to him to rep the U.S.! Only adding to his sense of nervousness felt by every rookie entering sport competition.

This trip, BTW was a sort of Mother /son trip in that, Zach's lovely Mother , Patti, came with to travel with her son and see him compete. Of course you can imagine some of the jokes that ensued to tease him as the rookie about being babysat or mommas boy but it was all in jest. Both Zach and his mom impressed everyone they met, I am sure others here can comment on this but…it was here that Zach made many dear friends from around the world that feel a kinship to him even to this day.

HE came back from the tour and was so excited we had to down play it just to get him to slow down to talk. But of course we were proud of him. We told him so.

The opportunity arose for the Bali Nations Freeride Cup. A non tour IFWA sanctioned national event held at Kuta beach, Bali Indonesia. Many would be going. Zach was not going to miss this; he was still high from the European stop. Getting to Bali, Zack looked about, “where are the other US riders?” Again he was alone. But this time he was not alone, he was with friends, Many, many friends!

Frenchmen, Brazilians, South Africans, Spaniards, Moroccans! They were all embracing Zach when we arrived to the hotel. IT looked like a thanksgiving family gathering in the lobby of the hotel. They all knew him, The Kid from Longview! Go figure! Followed by his crew of me and Maddog, the other riders, FX productions Lonnie and Eric, we all settled in for what would end up to be one of the best surf comps since Moto surf. (continued next posting)
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Zach was to ride against the best and this time he would use my ski, a venerable Joe Kenney boat. Not to hot but solid and strong in the salt. There was a lot riding on this event. The purse was significant but it was all about stepping up and into the Ski and representing the Oregon/Washington riders, The Cali crew, the Daytona Gang, the southern Lake Wake jumpers, the Idaho Rapids rats, all of us in the states. If Joe wasn’t there to do it, it would be Waddle, and Waddle would do his best!

What ensued in the competition was a story only those in attendance can fully appreciate. With Randy Laine, one of the legendary gurus of surf Freeride as a judge for the competition and riders Like World Champion, Pierre Maxient and recent tour stop winner Gil Beurnier, Zach would need everything he had and more just to show. And show he did!

In surf that is famous in Bali and legendary amongst Freeriders, the competition began. Former rookie, Zack, rode hard, well and was very impressive. The others watched and whispering started. That’s who?Zack?! One exclaimed! The rookie from USA? Commented another. The surf would vary from 5 foot to 2 meters with the occasional 3 meter rolling curl. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Zach in the curl, off the top and back-looping like a German! Both RL and I went crazy watching the heat.

He hit the beach, brushing off the salt, thinking it had been a fair run, “it felt good, but you know, those’ other’ guys are the best.” We all told him he rode very well if not better than ever. HE laughed, smiled and shrugged, saying,” really? I hope so. It felt pretty good.”
His teammate for the trip and drinking partner was Xan Sampaio from Brazil. Those two together, Man there is another volume just right there! But anyway, Xan would have to pull out the stops, thinking that only a few Frenchmen stood between him and the podium Xan, to his surprise and delight, now knew that Zach would be in his way as well.

In the Semi it would be Waddle/ Maxient. Small town kid against the world champ. Zack laughed at the pairing. He knew he had little chance, but he wouldn’t be stopped by that, he was a tough competitor and I suspect tough in a lot that he did. Pierre was as impressive as ever, with Super high one footer backies and BR’s this way and that. That’s normal, that’s what Pierre does. But Zack was living up to his Jetski moniker-Zack Attack.
HE was in the place many call the ‘Zone’ that place where it all becomes surreal. He had learned to ride on the Columbia River chasing shaver and tidewater tug and barge, the Rough big waves of the NW coast but here in Bali, he was Slashing it up Cali style. Emulating his idols and friends Joe Kenney, and Taylor Curtis, Zack Ripped the Indo surf into the twilight of sunset to hold his own!
Back flipping with Air Darrin had paid off, He was hitting the lip of monster waves!

HE was riding out of his mind, Out of his body! We were all stunned, All of us! In fact I have not seen him ride like that since.

Unfortunately, I didn't last. with fatigue setting in and knowing that he had to do something spectacular to match the flamboyant French rider he tried something off the top lip that failed and had a 20 foot get off that crossed himself with the ski on the down fall and he was sidelined for the rest of the event and season with a fractured wrist. However his riding had impressed everyone including RL. He was in! A Pro! Sampaio would do a 3 meter back flip in the heat just after Zach, flat landing and smashing the right leg into tiny fragments. But Xan needed to finish; he had come to make the podium and win some of the purse. He needed to show family that jetskiing can pay. He remounted his ski holding the badly fractured leg up bent at the knee and continued the finish the heat to the red flag.

Zach had one of the most hair-raising rides of his life in the ambulance in Indo. A trip with his good friend and Mechanic Shawn Maddog Moody was so life threatening that we often laughed about it over and over. The country filled with thousands of motor scooters with no apparent manner of road laws or etiquette. As the Ambulance hurried him to the hospital nearly running over countless bikers and scooters, a pack of scooteres hovered the van like bees swarming to a hive using the ambulance as a through blocker for traffic. Just as the pain med started to work in a stark somewhat primitive hospital, Zack would hear a familiar voice. It was Sampaio just arriving and swearing like a sailor! Almost in a dreamy state Zach pulled back the curtain to make eye contact with his friend and teammate. Hey Mother F-r they both yelled in unison. In that moment a personal brotherhood bond was made. The two would be virtually brothers from here on out, regardless of the miles that separate their homes.

In the spirit of Freeride, Zach and I lent the ski to another rider to compete. Knowing this would possible reduce the purse for him, Zach agreed it was the right thing to do in the end. This is what he was known for in our community. His helping nature. Although he took the lowest payout of purse for his position he split it with Sampaio to apply to his expenses which were mounting.

Sure on the web he was confrontational with a few but only out of loyalty and the entertainment value of it. He was never malicious there, or in anyway that I know of in life. Our group of riders is not unique, we have a circle of friends, some closer than others, but it has the love for the ocean as a common denomination. Much like other riding groups, there are always some many helpful people but some always tend to stand out. Not different just, seem to Always be there when you turn for a wrench or a hand , a pat on the back or a beer. Just always there for you and Zach is that kind of man, that kind of friend. I say IS because this character trait does not go from ones identity upon death; it is revered by those close continually in life.

He lent his ski to Ivo Sehn for competition and helped him throughout the event a couple
of seasons. H wanted German rider, Arkidius Schamek to be able to ride in Pismo, No problem, take my ski. For me he was always there too. Twenty years my junior, its not common to befriend someone in the way I knew him. He was not in my peer group. Lucky for me he had that Moxey! Moreover,I am blessed to have been able to travel with him several times and when I am going somewhere I almost assume he’ll be with me.

When we were in Singapore, Zach eats Buger King,Coke and Fries and gets hammered by a local restrauntuer, “Singapoe---- da bes fude, all Asia “ she’d yell at him. “you can eat Burger king your own contwee” as the woman swated at his head like a mother scolding her own son”Wat matter you?!” she continued to exclaim! Cringing from the assalt and smiling sheepishly he just looked at al all of us for protection, finally ending with Sampaio across from him eating Subway and screamed back at the woman “hey” pointing toward Xan”what about him, Why aren’t you hitting him!” of course she had chosen Zach to pick on

I am sorry to babble here and as I said there are so many many stories to tell.

So many friends, and countless others will miss him. He was so proud to be a father and to do the right thing by Libby. HE stood an inch or two taller when talking about her. And a foot taller when talking of Mason. He took all the rubbing all his male friends could dish about losing his freedom because he knew it was right and that he loved her! He loved her even more so, if possible, by the birth of their son. Its horribly sad that we only got a brief chance to share this budding life with him. We only got a glimpse of him as a father and husband. We didn’t get much of a chance to bring his wife into our world and to get to know her more personally. To learn about her life and to see all that Zach saw. But She was Zachs girl and that was all you needed to know.

Not getting to meet for dinner this week as planned will haunt me for years in this way. I had promised Libby, we would have dinner when she was not pregnant and nursing. So they could get a night out with Mason or not. I wanted a chance to get to know her better. Because as a friend to Zach I felt it important to embrace his better half. To see what kind of girl catches a good guy like Zach. I had hoped to put on my best behavior to impress her, so she’d know her husband wasn’t going on these jetski junkets with a knucklehead, or ‘ girls gone wild customer’. Alas it will never be.

In times like these it is in friends and family we find strength.

Let us Celebrate their lives! Not this horrible end. The fact that many of our lives were enriched by these two young people is worthy of that and the spirit that remains with us commands that we do so!

I have said goodbye to a friend but I take it back now.

We all will watch your son. We will help your parents any way we can. When he is a man, we all will help him to know you as we do. Until we see each other again someday, I will carry with me our friendship, and your spirit. And when that day comes, we will see each other and smile and laugh!

With love to everyone,


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Dok, very well said indeed.

And Lisa, those pics really speak to Zach's character. In those last couple of pics you posted from Surf Slam, the rider in those pictures is Ivo not Zach and the guy working on the ski wearing the hoodie is Zach. That is the kind of person he is...working hard on his own ski for Ivo to go and compete on.
I remember how stoked Zach was to have pulled off his first flip in the Oceanside contest in 05...that was a very cool story.

The most memorable bit of Zach riding for me was in Portugal in 07. During the first day of competition, the surf was kind of small and the waves were breaking right up on the shore and kind of washing up the beach. Liz, Mike (Serlin), and I were standing there watching Zach's heat. And we would just cringe near the end of almost every wave he surfed. He would be in about an inch of water still charging it and we were sure he was going to stick the pump in the sand any second and go over the bars. This would happen wave after wave, and each time he would just squeak back out. I'm pretty sure he did stick it and pile up on the beach at leats once...or at least that is the way I would like to remember it because I did the same thing.

Zach wound up 4th in that contest...attached is a pic of me, Zach, and Xan from the stop in Spain the following weekend.


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