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I’m sure I’m going to get flamed here but here’s a shot.
I’ve never been much of a water person. Boats do not interest me, I’ve always liked jetskis in general but never enough to buy one really.
However, I keep getting videos in my feed on tik tok and stuff of people doing backflips on these stand up skis and it has me really wanting one. Whether or not I’ll be able to ride one and learn how to do it, I have no idea. I’ve asked all around the area and none of my friends have one nor do they know of anyone with one. These are not popular at all in my area.
Having said that I have friends with boats and stuff and they are always asking me to go. Figured I could tie up to them hangout in their boat for a while and go on with my business.
I have no interest in buying a shell and buying a motor and what not to build a freestyle ski. I have never ridden one. I’ve been on dirt bikes and quads my whole life, but this is all unchartered territory.
What I’m looking for is a ski that’s capable of backflips in flat water. I got to reading around and it seems like you’ve got to have a pretty healthy motor to do so.
So I found krash skis and for every hood review there is one bad review. There’s one of fb marketplace (closest freestyle ski to me) at about 2.5 hours away over in St. Louis.
Guy is 52 years old, has ridden stand up skis most of his life, it’s a 2022 krash foot rocket 1200. It’s fuel injected. Apparantly will do backflips out of the crate. He said he’s ram approx 3 tanks of fuel through it. I can pick it up for 10k.
There was also a modded super jet 2006 with a 716 in it that apparantly will do flips as well but it is up by Chicago and guy is asking 9500 for it.
I’m mechanicly inclined, not afraid to tear into things but I know NOtHiNG about skis or boats. Some people I’m sure is going to say don’t get a ski like that to learn on, but I’m not going to buy twice, I’ll either buy one and learn and like it or hate it and I’ll be done with it if I hate it.
I hate to spend 10k having never ridden one but i can’t find anyone that has one so ♂️
I’ve never been much of a water person. Boats do not interest me, I’ve always liked jetskis in general but never enough to buy one really.
However, I keep getting videos in my feed on tik tok and stuff of people doing backflips on these stand up skis and it has me really wanting one. Whether or not I’ll be able to ride one and learn how to do it, I have no idea. I’ve asked all around the area and none of my friends have one nor do they know of anyone with one. These are not popular at all in my area.
Having said that I have friends with boats and stuff and they are always asking me to go. Figured I could tie up to them hangout in their boat for a while and go on with my business.
I have no interest in buying a shell and buying a motor and what not to build a freestyle ski. I have never ridden one. I’ve been on dirt bikes and quads my whole life, but this is all unchartered territory.
What I’m looking for is a ski that’s capable of backflips in flat water. I got to reading around and it seems like you’ve got to have a pretty healthy motor to do so.
So I found krash skis and for every hood review there is one bad review. There’s one of fb marketplace (closest freestyle ski to me) at about 2.5 hours away over in St. Louis.
Guy is 52 years old, has ridden stand up skis most of his life, it’s a 2022 krash foot rocket 1200. It’s fuel injected. Apparantly will do backflips out of the crate. He said he’s ram approx 3 tanks of fuel through it. I can pick it up for 10k.
There was also a modded super jet 2006 with a 716 in it that apparantly will do flips as well but it is up by Chicago and guy is asking 9500 for it.
I’m mechanicly inclined, not afraid to tear into things but I know NOtHiNG about skis or boats. Some people I’m sure is going to say don’t get a ski like that to learn on, but I’m not going to buy twice, I’ll either buy one and learn and like it or hate it and I’ll be done with it if I hate it.
I hate to spend 10k having never ridden one but i can’t find anyone that has one so ♂️