Other Lost GoPro in corsons inlet

I known its a long shot, but I lost my GoPro at Corson's on Friday.

It's probably under a few feet of sand by now, but if anyone comes across it, I would love to have it back.

I had the head strap on and a wave blew it right off my head.


Sorry about your loss

Really... I know the feeling... Sorry about your loss.
After losing ours my budies and I decided it would not happen again so we created the CAMFLOAT.
You can read on this blog what others think of it under the following subject:

Life jacket for your Gopro..by Camfloat

We now sell it on Ebay search word: CAMFLOAT

As you say it probably is a long shot before you can find yours but I wish you luck anyway.


Yacht Wakes Hunter
That suck man

I lost my first GoPro after it fells off my SXR and sank to the bottom of the lake. I contacted the GoPro company about my lose and they gave me a 40% discount so I can get a replacement. They should do the same to ya if you purchased it directing from them.
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