Since you guys insist on beating a dead horse, ill continue my post from pwctoday here.
Everyone knows that you guys dont like Paul. Its not a secret. Everyone knows that a couple people had issues with a certain setup. Paul did everythign possible to make it right. Why keep dragging this crap around? You guys all pretended like Paul was your best friend, when obviously you never liked him.
Especially you Pete. You talk about people having Paul blinders on, well what about the people that have the Pete blinders on? How can you look at yourself in a mirror after saying stuff that you have to a person taht you claimed to be a best friend, almost like a father.
Remember something, If it wasnt for Paul, noone would know who the ******** you are.
Secondly, you and others consider you as being a pro rider. Being a pro isnt about just throwing huge air and riding good. It requires demeanor and personality. Do you see Malone, Lenzi, Stone, Ross C. or any other pros getting caught up in the childish bs on the internet? You made your case against Paul, not in a good way or a respectful way, but you already voiced yoru opinion. The childish comments that constantly follow are far from anything that should be said by a pro. Be the positive influence that everyone knows you can be and stop the childish crap.
How many more rungs on the ladder are you gonna chit on on your way to the top? Remember, once you get to the top, make sure you were going up the right ladder.
Common sense in Jersey!
You can forget your 24/7, full throttle hook-up Ron! LOL