LSP Pro Series Revolver build

Going to pick up my LSP Pro Series next week so thought I’d start a build thread. Aiming to get this built ready to ride just after new year, working away and no time at home will slow the progress but most parts are ready to go.

All the setup from my previous Revolver R will be going in, all re built and fresh. Motor is a TPE900 competition, ATP TS2 total loss, ATP 49mm carbs, Skat 155 pump, P&P Raptor trim, PFP etc...

Here’s a few photos of the hull at the workshop

More photos to come soon....

Sorry guys, forgot to update the post, too excited about riding haha.

Build is complete and I have been out 4 time on it, still a little tuning to do but the ride is so nice. I loved the Revolver R anyway but this hull is still nimble and easy to throw around like the old one, but more stable, easier to ride out the tricks you land on the back, and feels like it pops off the wake better. Can’t wait for some decent weather and some ride time.


NE Tenn
Impressed with how good it looks like under the bonnet! It’s nice to see a finished product inside and out.Too long hull makers have neglected this area.
Impressed with how good it looks like under the bonnet! It’s nice to see a finished product inside and out.Too long hull makers have neglected this area.

Yeh it does look really good, all the inserts come already done and neat. I’m really happy with it :D
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