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Takes a man to stand up and own their mistakes!
I don’t use much social media (forums like this and linked in only,) when I do I always use my name so I can be held accountable. It’s not some god complex or dogpoop way to sell people that I’m self aware. I was just raised in an environment where being wrong was okay as long as you learned / carry yourself with respect it’s cool. I know so many folks who behave differently online because it’s online not under their name. I genuinely posted those comments, edited them like 20 times each as I increasingly worked myself up. It’s embarrassing and I woke up the next morning reading my previous evenings work; needless to say I was mortified. I waited 24 hours to respond so I could rightfully take my beating and apologize.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying I’m a real man (I look like an easily excitable child here,) I am just a person thats always learning and wants to be part of the solution…not the problem (anger licorices me.) I am too young in adulthood to be acting like this.

What I did here was wrong and that’s that.

I attacked someone’s livelihood with my comments and that’s a cardinal sin where I come from. I truly am sorry @Bunny hop man
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This is really impressive, I think this will only help the jet ski community in a positive way. @HarryConnolly high five to you for giving a sincere apology. I know you have been very open with the fact that you are newer to the community here and stand ups in general. It's near impossible to compare any other power sport experience to building a custom ski, and if you haven't done that, you wouldn't have the same perspective most of us do. I don't doubt your expertise or experience, and we all welcome your knowledge, but because you haven't actually built a custom ski from scratch, you aren't able to see this perspective yet. It's just not the same as any other "similar" power sport, that fact is, you're making an Apples to Oranges comparison. Your points are valid, but look at it from a different angle. This platform, is really a great one. The ability to use readily available parts to upgrade or customize this ski is one of the best factors. You could upgrade as you go, customize as you go and learn as you go experimenting with changes in grates, plates, pipes, pole lengths, tubbies, different fuel tanks and exhaust systems that will change the weight distribution / power delivery etc. It seems like an incredibly linear platform. For anyone on here that has built a ski from scratch, they could tell you in a second this is an insane deal. I paid this amount for my used Krash hull, pump, and core engine. And it sure as hell doesn't hit like the ski in the video. Not to mention the thousands of dollars it takes to finish out a build. If I were still in the market for a ski, I would be seriously considering one of these. After following your activity on this forum, I thought this would actually be a really great option for you. No doubt your perspective from a sales standpoint is valid, but from a builder and rider perspective, this ski looks pretty decent and I know what im looking at, so I don't need anyone to sell me on it. If you have a certain type of riding you want to do, buy a hull and ski that is suited towards that style of riding. Don't get lost in the details, you can change all of that. I hope none of this came off as rude or disrespectful, I was just hoping to offer a different perspective!
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I had a vision!
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s florida
Knowing what I know after a few years of using SBT starters and other electrical parts and having them quickly fail I had to go in a different direction .

As most here know you can have the best engine on the planet but if it won't start and run consistently what good is it , I think a lot of people learned this the hard way on the Krash ski .

SBT starters especially are known for being of poor quality and jet ski engines don't come with pull starters..

Engines don't run off of gasoline, they run off of electricity , you can argue that point if you like , I will be right here.
I also question SBT's electrical parts reliability . From my past experiences, their stators are garbage and starters are hit and miss.
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