Katie's Boss
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Electrical box with seal tight connectors and O ring seal.
Electrical box with seal tight connectors and O ring seal.
I would actually love to have a billet turn nozzle. And i think the bilge strainer idea is a good one too.
Would it be possible to make a billet bendix? those things suck.
he'll be selling them for approx $1.65 per coin. plus shipping of course. who wants the first batch? LOL
billet bills....hmm...
If not out of billet, you could make some simple molds to do it with a 2-part pourable urethane....they make some nice clears that would be awesome. Look up 2-part clear casting urethane resins. If you set up correctly and sucked the air out of your resin with a vacuum dome and then poured on a vibe table, then you'd have almost perfect parts. An o-ring sealed box that was clear to see what's going on inside would be great.
sounds like you got it covered there captain..send me the first, Ill let you know how it works...
Keep in mind that E box must be all plastic wont work..
sounds like you got it covered there captain..send me the first, Ill let you know how it works...
Keep in mind that E box must be all plastic wont work..
Clear stator cover then!
I was going to put my electrics inside of an otter box. Google them, they have some cool stuff.
What about a jig you could mount OEM flywheel covers in. Then you could cut an O-ring groove quick and easy. If you did this I could send my cover in w/$30.00 and I would no longer need a gasket when it arrived back. I dislike gaskets....
a short turnplate for straight bars that uses "stock steering bushings" no umi stuff
nose cover for the square nose