Magnum Pumps 4 Sport???


we r gettting the sport class up n running again here, b1, and x2 new ones mainly a b1 class.

So my question, what are the best mag pumps for the sport class for the hx` and b1`s and does more veins mean more thrust accuracy??:eek5:

Thank you.
A 140-142mm 12-14 vein setback will do. Most use a 140mm 12 vein setback for the blaster. I can't give a true opinion for the HX's, although most use a 140mm setback.


110hp full LOKI Stylefun
Racing a B1 in the British Winter Series and read this with interest,another question for you all,whats the best grate to use for better hook up in the chop?
I've always been told the 140 12 vein setback is the best for the B1.

Racing a B1 in the British Winter Series and read this with interest,another question for you all,whats the best grate to use for better hook up in the chop?

Most prefer the Worx 201 or 205. The 201 is great for a really chopped up race course or in the surf and the shallower 205 is great if you're looking for every bit of top end that you can get.

The Jet Dynamics is also pretty good. I'm pretty sure there is also a deep and shallow version.

jet dymanics long plate alot of guys are using here i think

Actually I think most everyone likes the protec plate. I know Lee and Scottie both aren't too wild about the JD. I've got the short JD right now, but I've been meaning to pick up a long. Kind of hard to try it out without an engine though.:banghead:
Go with the Pro Tec Plate unless your ski is heavy in the nose. The JD plate makes the ski ride high in the nose, too high for my tastes. I always use the Worx intake, it seems to be the best all around grate.

As fro magnum pumps, 140mm set back is the best for most, unless you are pulling A LOT of motor. The 142 is really good also, but you will be needing at least a 150hp motor to even think of using it. (probably more, right Erik?! ) :)



110hp full LOKI Stylefun
Good info on plates to use,but i find the plate i have on pretty good i was asking about what type of grate you lot use,i see scottie mac says worx anyone else use this or what sort do you others use?


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
we are running the mod sport class in australia
its going gang busters
For my hx i am using a non set back 12 vein
its a 140mm pump

The sport class is so much fun
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