You contradict yourself slightly. Post #10. "It sits low in the arse but is very light".
No foam and sealed provides the maximum boyency with the major risk of sinking if there is any chance for water to get in.
FOam provides boyency at the costs of weight and risk of getting wet foam.
If it was light, it would require less displacement and sit well above the waterline.
Although you may think the ski is light (Compared to a 350lb SJ) It may in fact still be waterlogged to hell. If the footholds were not installed perfectly, or if your hull has any cracks whatsoever (most do) then water will gradually fill up the rear of the hull. Most solve this problem with drain plugs.
Having a SJ rider try out your FX-1 doesn't clarify things must either, because they are vastly different hulls.
Next time your at the lake, take a picture of the ski from all four sides well it floats and post them up. Along with all the information Vumad asked for