Man killed on Maumee River


havin fun
clearwater FL
yeah that is unfortunate, but also why was he going 35 under that brige? you cant see whats on the other side, and almost every bridge I have ever been near has a no wake around it. maybe its different there. just a question. you always have to be aware of your surroundings!
Streching a cable across a navigable river w/o any flags or warnings hanging on it is being negligent. The contractor will be liable for his death.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
A similar thing happened to an acquaintance of mine about a year ago.
He had just gotten a job in Northern Idaho working for some rural utility company. He was out on a company ATV and got decapitated by a steel cable strung across the road that hadn't been there the day before.
A similar thing happened to an acquaintance of mine about a year ago.
He had just gotten a job in Northern Idaho working for some rural utility company. He was out on a company ATV and got decapitated by a steel cable strung across the road that hadn't been there the day before.

Did they figure out what happened? Oh man I would kill someone! When I rode quads it was always on my mind.

From the angle of the riders it probably did not look like construction was going on...the barges were gone I assume and just a chain hanging...and then some trucks up on the road...

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
It is easy to say " Yeah, those puckers are gonna get sued"..........

what alot of people forget is the people envolved are just like you and I. At some point, they made a huge mistake, maybe the guy was going to put some flags up and got distracted. It happens. That is why it is called an accident. Those workers are going to have to live with it the rest of their lives. That is punishment enough.

The companies insurance will most likely settle the case. I have been the recipient of money from a settlement/suit where my sister and I were in a car wreck, The money was nice ( I never really saw any of it - young), but I lost a year of my life, she almost died, should have died, we both should have died. We were lucky.


Huntsville, AL
It is easy to say " Yeah, those puckers are gonna get sued"..........

what alot of people forget is the people envolved are just like you and I. At some point, they made a huge mistake, maybe the guy was going to put some flags up and got distracted. It happens. That is why it is called an accident. Those workers are going to have to live with it the rest of their lives. That is punishment enough.

The companies insurance will most likely settle the case. I have been the recipient of money from a settlement/suit where my sister and I were in a car wreck, The money was nice ( I never really saw any of it - young), but I lost a year of my life, she almost died, should have died, we both should have died. We were lucky.

sometimes the fact that they have to "live" with something isn't enough. If you don't hold people responsible for things how will they learn? Would it make you feel better if your wife was killed in this situation and the guy "felt bad" afterward? I guarantee he knew to mark that cable and he just didn't give a crap. People are lazy these days...they don't care about stuff like they should.

I am not for frivolous lawsuits but sometimes they are justified.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
sometimes the fact that they have to "live" with something isn't enough. If you don't hold people responsible for things how will they learn? Would it make you feel better if your wife was killed in this situation and the guy "felt bad" afterward? I guarantee he knew to mark that cable and he just didn't give a crap. People are lazy these days...they don't care about stuff like they should.

I am not for frivolous lawsuits but sometimes they are justified.

I am not saying there should be no repercussions from it. We really knows what happens. Without any of us knowing the area, they may have thought there was no boat traffic there. Low Bridge, guy on the PWC should have slowed down as well, he assumed that it was clear, I would have as well.
It is easy to say " Yeah, those puckers are gonna get sued"..........

what alot of people forget is the people envolved are just like you and I. At some point, they made a huge mistake, maybe the guy was going to put some flags up and got distracted. It happens. That is why it is called an accident. Those workers are going to have to live with it the rest of their lives. That is punishment enough.

The companies insurance will most likely settle the case. I have been the recipient of money from a settlement/suit where my sister and I were in a car wreck, The money was nice ( I never really saw any of it - young), but I lost a year of my life, she almost died, should have died, we both should have died. We were lucky.

This isn't just an accident. It could have been easily prevented and their lazyness took a life.


Huntsville, AL
I am not saying there should be no repercussions from it. We really knows what happens. Without any of us knowing the area, they may have thought there was no boat traffic there. Low Bridge, guy on the PWC should have slowed down as well, he assumed that it was clear, I would have as well.

It doesn't matter what he THOUGHT....rules are rules....and I guarantee he was supposed to have done something to show that it was there. A man died....doesn't matter what the dude's assumptions were. You can't half a** do something and just shrug your shoulders when someone gets hurt or killed and have your punishment be bad dreams later on.


Non-tree hugger
I was hesitant to post this because I have mixed feeling about the whole situation. I've been on this river several times as both a rider/boater and as a contractor. We've run lines across this river several times for remedial and emergency response projects. If the material we're putting in the river isn't inherently visible (bright orange containment boom) we install warning buoys. But most of the times the buoys aren't put out until after we have everything run since usually it is for an emergency. Who is to say that someone couldn't zip up the river while we were deploying? Definitely makes you think. I don't think that is the case here but who knows? But it is a good reminder to all of us to be aware of things.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
It doesn't matter what he THOUGHT....rules are rules....and I guarantee he was supposed to have done something to show that it was there. A man died....doesn't matter what the dude's assumptions were. You can't half a** do something and just shrug your shoulders when someone gets hurt or killed and have your punishment be bad dreams later on.

WOW, you really are not looking at what I am saying from the other side.

Were they Neglegent, yes.
Should they have put up flags, markers? yes

Do we know they were lazy, No, that is an assumption.

Who knows what actually happened, or why they did not put markers out. Yes, they could be lazy or, that worker could have been Garrett and he was just getting ready to put flags on the cable and got a call that you had just gone into labor or were in a bad accident and he loaded his crap up and hauled tail and totally forgot about not putting markers out.

Should Have, Would Have, Could have.


Huntsville, AL
WOW, you really are not looking at what I am saying from the other side.

Were they Neglegent, yes.
Should they have put up flags, markers? yes

Do we know they were lazy, No, that is an assumption.

Who knows what actually happened, or why they did not put markers out. Yes, they could be lazy or, that worker could have been Garrett and he was just getting ready to put flags on the cable and got a call that you had just gone into labor or were in a bad accident and he loaded his crap up and hauled tail and totally forgot about not putting markers out.

Should Have, Would Have, Could have.

I don't care if it was Garrett or anyone else. If your lack of paying attention causes someone to DIE then you deserve to be punished. I don't care if you forgot...if you had to rush home to take a dump.....or whatever....the fact is you F'ed up and someone died.

Your freaking wife popping out a baby doesn't mean you can rush away from a situation like that and leave it open to kill or harm someone.

I don't agree with your statement that them feeling "bad" is punishment enough. Excuses don't mean JACK when someone else loses their life....I don't care WHAT it is.

Should of, could of, would have.......that is ridiculous statement after someone died.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
This isn't just an accident. It could have been easily prevented and their lazyness took a life.

You are assuming they were lazy?, cable could have been tied up out of the way and something happened and the tie-backs failed. Who knows.

An accident is just that. Only other option is premeditated.

Point I was trying to make is the workers could have been you or I. Sometimes, Just sometimes things happen that were not from someone being lazy. The end result (like in this case) is someone gets killed or injured.

I just get sick of hearing everytime someone dies, especially like this, that everybody is always saying "Those guys were lazy, they should be sued, They did not care, so lets sue them for everything they got", What many people fail to rationalize is that sometimes it is just an accident, committed by the guy that may be considered the safest guy around, but because a momentary distraction something happened that caused an accident. You could call that guy negligent, that would not be a lie, or you can consider that for what every reason, something happened to not put markers out.

Did anybody see lasts weeks Grey's Anatomy? They depicted a similar situation. The ER was swamped, there had been a fire, way too much was happening at one time, one patient had several different doctors, she seemed ok other than exterior burns. Just as the Doctor was going to look into the patients throat to look for burn, the patient screamed "OH MY GOD", the Dr turns and looks, there is a guy with a Fire Ax embedded in his chest, the Dr is shaken by the site, the patient is shaken... They both got distracted and went on, only the Dr. went on to another patient, the patient ended up dying because of severe burns to her throat and from soot that was inhaled.

Do you have a Dr. who was Neglegent, or because of situations beyound their control made a mistake???
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