prep is everything, doesn't matter if you're painting bare steal, wood, glass, paint, you name it... as I said I run a body shop, I use ppg epoxy all the time... I've sprayed gel coated bumpers(ricers seem to love fg bumpers) with absolutely no issues... you don't need to sand the gel "off" just sand it good, then wipe good with wax and grease remover(I normally wax and grease, then sand, then wax and grease again so you don't force contaminants deeper)...
for what it's worth, you wouldn't really need to even prime it, cured gel coat if prepped right is a good substrate for paint to adhere...
if you do use epoxy primer, let the primer flash a couple hours then spray base coat before the epoxy cures(epoxy sucks to sand)... don't epoxy then jump right over it with base 20 mins later though, let the epoxy degas a few hours then spray paint...
this is just my 2 cents, if you ask 50 people how to paint a ski, you'll probably get close to 50 different answers... the absolute best way to do it, is gelcoat it(I've repaired boats using factory match gel, it's not much different than paint until it comes to curing procedure)
... haha... or load it up haul it over here and I'll paint it for you...