Maximizing Velocity in Two-Stroke Engine Intake Manifolds: Why Speed Beats Volume

Soft mounted? As in rubber motor mounts? Snowmobiles have done that forever. I assumed it had to do with venting and/or g forces in the wrong direction but I dunno.
Watercraft engines are allowed to shake a lot, plus they get rolled over and have no place for all that fuel in the bowl to go. Watercraft carbs require the engine to be turning before fuel can flow. If they were testing for max BMEP a simple fuel injection system would be easy to utilize. Making a watercraft specific engine work on a dyno as it does in a ski would require many compromises in order to get useful information.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
It has more to do with gas spillage than anything else , outboards have float style carbs and years ago Decker offered intakes to fit them to Seadoos , snowmobiles unlike jet skis usually don't get inverted and if they do the gas just spills out onto the ground usually not catching the snowmo on fire in the process , gas spilled in a hull contaminates the air in the hull , causes it to run very rich plus it represents a fire hazard .


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Gaźniki PWK montowane są w silniku wyłącznie do pracy na hamowni, nie są przeznaczone do stosowania w skuterach wodnych

choć w Azji silniki takie mają zupełnie inne zastosowanie.



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PWK carburetors were installed in the engine only for work on the dynamometer, they are not for use on jetskis

although in Asia such engines have completely different applications..


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the entire braking system was practically created from scratch by us, the main idea behind its creation was to test our parts in a company where we would get results in numbers and not in sensations on the water. it is a type of dynamometer where the load generates a water brake, of our design, the controller manages the entire dynamometer bus, we can also connect probes, thermometers, knock sensor and many others. We are currently in the process of replacing the water brake with an electro-eddy current brake, braking is done by an electric motor. e.g. retarder. used in trucks/buses.. We will be able to talk about the results after the modifications are completed.

in the attached photo the engine of our production dynamometer was created for it, stroker +16 1200ccm but with a shaft longer by 30mm. huge fuel channels...

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