Custom/Hybrid maxx pump..148 setback TWINS

I have not quite gotten around to installing this 144 yet . Expect to within next couple of weeks . Have no doubt it will work very well . The come tapped for 1/4 NPT which is the larger size fitting . Currently running a 140 skat mag that is flawless but am almost maxxed out on prop pitches . testing lots of new engine stuff . Once engine stuff is finalized will do the pump .


I had a vision!
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s florida
I know its an old thread, but how did these work out? Max is building my 148 now. What did you guys use for nozzles and trim? What looks and works best on these?

the maxx 148 are the shizzle. I had one on my 1000 and it hook up like a mofo

a 155mm will also be available for those 1200cc beast as well
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