Freestyle McSuperfreak


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I bought this hull from Skinnyman who bought it from Aircraftsalz who bought it from Berky who built it.

All carbon and the hull and hood weigh about 61 pounds. It's so stupid light I carried it like a brief case down the steps in my back yard to my shop. It was busted up a little from Skinnyman doing barrel rolls off cruiser wakes. Lots of stress cracks in the paint and a few cracks in the hull and hood that were repaired by Berky.

I had planned on keeping the turf and trying to patch the paint but that plan is out the window. I put my wrestling shoes on and climbed in the footholds to check them out and it just seemed so narrow after getting used to a BOB hull's wide tray.

I decided to go ahead and strip the whole thing down for paint and to modify the footholds/tray a little to get some more room.

Right now I have a Jetworks 5 mil stroker 850cc ADA cylinder motor to put in it but it is sort of pending sale who who knows what engine will end up in it but it will most likely be another Jetworks motor. I love the linear power. I'm not going smaller if this engine sells I can tell you that. It will be a flatwater ski with total loss and a mag pump. I have a newish x-metal adjustable pole and steering for it too.

So far I used the Harbor Freight multitool and started stripping some turf and carefully removed the hoodseal. This tool is the shiznit for removing turf. I also snapped a pic of my shop with two disassembled skis without hulls in it. It looks like two skis exploded.


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Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Man your screwing up my nice turf job I did for Skinnyman before I sold it......


I rode my RN today for the first time in surf, man its so hard to ride after your use to a big tray (FS1/Badass)


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I want to throw a big thank you out to Tem for helping me out with this hull while being so busy it is rediculous. You are such a great guy and I love your hulls.

Thanks to Josh too for getting my hull to me. Dude, you are such a great friend to someone you have only seen three times. I hope I have the chance to repay you some day.

And to everyone else in the Florida Superfreak/Jetmaniac crew I want to say that you guys are awesome and I can't wait to get my skis rebuilt and get together for some more good times.

Between Kevin's and my projects, the Central Georgia crew will be busy the rest of the winter. Ya'll are my boys too of course. Here we go again. I won't even say it's the last time this time because we all know better.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Hey Shane that freak knows how to flip.... PIC of me & Pic of me & Lucas riding Daytona...


Don't throw me in the mix. I have not decided to build the kit.... I'm just kicking around the idea . WE ARE GLUTTONS FOR PUNISHMENT !

The multi master tools are essential in the shop . Looks like you could just about reuse the turf .
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sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I'd put some white turf back on it and put black turf as an accent back in the footwells and front foothold. That ski was dope looking back when Josh built it up. Maybe even shorten the length of the gunwhales by 2" and footholds up a bit making your CG more forward.
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Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I think you should paint and turf it the way everyone else would want it since you'll probably sell it and buy something else before May... LOL I'm just messing with you. Maybe this will be "the one"...


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Our schedule is mostly open at this point. You guys who are driving up should get together and come up with a couple of weekends that work for you and we will pick one and make it happen.

I asked JETT to put a forum for it in the freeride section so we can start working out details.
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