Me this weekend on the superjet


I'm bringing X'y back
For getting around on the hood:
-get your speed up around 1/3 throttle. you want the rails out of the water
-crouch down in the tray
-flip your throttle hand around and use your thumb
-lay on the pole, and stretch out as far as you can to the nose
-grab the right side rail with your left hand


-keep your thumb on the throttle, and as you're laying on the pole, spin on the pole pad.

If you have the speed up enough you can spin around no problem. When you're backwards and the bars aren't doing the death wobble anymore, switch hands with your throttle.

I just learned this weekend, and this is what helped me.
I want tips on subs though.... I can't do them yet...
I just learned them from a couple guys on the board. I use to try and power thru and try and do all the work, what worked for me was taking a smaller hop and as I land the hop let off the trottle a bit and pick up the ski with me feet locked in and transfer my weight forward. (not quite like that but letting off the trottle as you jump the second time seemed to make the front of the ski easier to dive in the water. Think thats what the guys told me to do as well In most the video I would pick up to much and go inverted but once the guys tought me how to do it, it was super easy to get the ski under water.


San ANtonio, TX
subing is a timing thing IMO. Steady speed, excell a little, keep the pole waist high, come off the throttle, and tranfer your weight over the front of the ski at the same time.
Just 2 cents from another rookie!
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