Some good practical information there jetski9010.
I have some buddies that run clay oval stuff here and methanol is all they will run.
Running alcohol does have it's advantages, don't get me wrong, but you NEED an engine built for it. For instance, an engine built for 115 octane methanol will have higher compression and more ignition than an engine built for 115 octane gasoline because of methanol's cooling effect on the intake charge.
I completely agree about the the flex fuel vehicles out now. They are optimized to run on gasoline, but can run on other fuels. An engine BUILT to optimize alcohol or even propane/nat gas can't just fill up with gasoline. Save for modern advancements like variable compression, computer variable forced induction, etc.
Don't take what I've said as "hating". Realistically, most people aren't prepared for what really needs to be done to run on alcohol (I'd still love to see someone convert their ski to run on a 2g propane
My big concern is water absorption. With a full tank of E-10, a cup of water is not good, however, with a full tank of methanol, the same cup of water may not be such an issue, I don't know.