Mikuni main diaphragm restoration tip

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
This tip isn't for all of you , some of you have plenty of cash and like to spend it, if that's you then feel free to hit the x in the top right corner of your screen , it isn't for you.

If you own a Yamaha and have ever pulled apart a carb you have seen old crusty main diaphragms that felt like cardboard , I have thrown hundreds of them away just like that.

If the diaphragm has pinholes , you can see daylight through it , it's obviously worn out , damaged , stuck to the metal or hard as a brick bat then replace it and move along to the next thread.

But lets say you pulled it apart and the diaphragm isn't quite as rubbery as you would like , maybe even a little stiff and more like paper instead of rubber , and hey you want to go ride this weekend and not wait around on parts, you can fix that and you can fix it very cheaply .

You need two things brake fluid ( it doesn't matter what kind cheapo brake fluid works just fine) and a container to put it in that will hold the diaphragm, drop the diaphragm in the container , pour brake fluid till it covers the diaphragm and let it sit overnight. You will be amazed at the results , I tested some that I was for sure were too dried out to ever work again properly and it brought most of them back to life.

To be clear , this isn't something that I saw somewhere on the internet or something I read about , it is something I have thought about for a while , I tried it and it works , but please don't take my word for it though try it for yourself .


walking on water
This is good info! Will be worth trying on all the abundant outboard motors and their carbs.

Plastic and rubber have a memory. It's amazing hitting some worn out plastic with heat, watching it return to it's original form and shiny.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I think I will stick with brake fluid , most everyone already has some in their garage. Also I just pour it back in the container when I am done and use the same bottle over and over again, just don't use it for brakes anymore please as it will likely contain petroleum distillates.


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I have used it on Motorcycle -ATV boots before but using it for this purpose somehow never occurred to me so I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks after all..
I'm into vintage snowmobiles often with carbs that are hard to find parts so it's not unusual to be taking a few of them and trying to assemble together one or two that are good. I've never heard of this trick but for sure will be trying it now.

Now...if you know any good way to clean off the old crusted on gaskets...that would be fantastic.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
This tip isn't for all of you , some of you have plenty of cash and like to spend it, if that's you then feel free to hit the x in the top right corner of your screen , it isn't for you.

If you own a Yamaha and have ever pulled apart a carb you have seen old crusty main diaphragms that felt like cardboard , I have thrown hundreds of them away just like that.

If the diaphragm has pinholes , you can see daylight through it , it's obviously worn out , damaged , stuck to the metal or hard as a brick bat then replace it and move along to the next thread.

But lets say you pulled it apart and the diaphragm isn't quite as rubbery as you would like , maybe even a little stiff and more like paper instead of rubber , and hey you want to go ride this weekend and not wait around on parts, you can fix that and you can fix it very cheaply .

You need two things brake fluid ( it doesn't matter what kind cheapo brake fluid works just fine) and a container to put it in that will hold the diaphragm, drop the diaphragm in the container , pour brake fluid till it covers the diaphragm and let it sit overnight. You will be amazed at the results , I tested some that I was for sure were too dried out to ever work again properly and it brought most of them back to life.

To be clear , this isn't something that I saw somewhere on the internet or something I read about , it is something I have thought about for a while , I tried it and it works , but please don't take my word for it though try it for yourself .
good to know, I have a BUNCH laying around while i told myself I would find something to bring them back LOL
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