So if I am understanding the spring length determines the pop? So the fact that my black, gold, and silver spring are all the same length and giving the same psi pop probably means they were colored wrong by mikuni?
Also what side of the arm do you bend?
Spring tension determines pop.
I never go by colors. They can easily be discolored.
115g is the long spring.
95 is wound backward (it will also probably be like 1/2mm longer than 65 and 80, but it may not be)
65 and 80 are best determined by testing in the carb, but if you pay close attention and squeeze them with your finger, you can determine side by side which is stronger.
It doesn't really matter which side you bend because it will just pivot anyway, but the little side is going to bend because its weaker.
The manual says it can be bent 1mm up but doesn't say if that will raise or lower popoff. How do you check how far it is bent, is there a trick to resetting the arm to neutral?
The manual also said the different color springs should produce different pop-offs. Clearly not in my case.
Thanks guys.
The arm can be bent slightly, but I didn't have to do that with my mikuni springs. I did with my SBT springs. It would change the PSI slightly, maybe like 5 psi max. be careful bending the rocker arm. Checking your popoff is A test, not THE test. It works differently than the way the carb really works. Too much bending of the arm interferes with the nipple on the diaphragm. Try not to use bending if you don't have to.
The trick to setting the arm to a neutral position is to lay a razor blade across the carb body.
Sounds like I just need to get a couple more sets of springs and go from there.
Not sets. Just the spring you need to get the popoff you want. Put the springs you have in little baggies labeled based on the PSI they give you on the chart. Order just the spring that you need to get the missing number on the chart.
I personally like to buy from Jetmaniac. He's never let me down. No website ordering, PM direct.
Only buy genuine mikuni. Normally I buy AM for 1/2 the price, but I have found AM carb parts to be significantly inferior in quality.