miller park river monster

the river monster ate a very nice gen 2 X2 1100 on saturday. guess the seat came off, exposing the big hole to access the battery. 3 guys had a hold of it but when the 3rd guy let go to get the rope from the rescue couch, it pulled the other 2 under and they had to let go. sunk like a stone and is history.
i wasnt there to see it.
sunday kamakazi chris and a few others came out .
kamakazi sums it up below.

Kat and Josh brought their three boat dogs to the river. One of the dogs, Foxy Roxy, liked my ski and jumped on it. We had plenty of boat traffic to keep us all entertained. With Josh, Kat, Mark, Gina, Dave, Jeff, Eric, me and a few other guys. Location: Sacramento River, Sacramento, CA.
At the 5:30 point in this video, I was watching Jeff jump and Buzzard flip on the port side of the boat. I didn't realized I drifted too closely into Dave's (Wave Warrior) launching area for his roll on the starboard side. I moved to get out of the way and lost my balance on a wake like a dork. I kept this scene in the video.
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