Custom/Hybrid Mini X2 based jet ski for kids

Well, I didn't get the motor and controls done in time, but I got it lookin pretty good for the Maker Faire.


Hey, sorry for lack of updates, I took some time off to work on other projects during winter, but now I want to get this sucker ready for the kids to ride this Spring.

I built a ride plate (and motor houseing) out of fiberglass, mounted the trolling motor, and modeled some pieces and had them 3d printed for the steering. Next up will be to add cables, cable stops, etc and the steering should be dialed.

Thanks. And that RC build is awesome!

I modeled a door frame and door for the water proof battery box, and am having those printed now. After that, most of what is left is pretty straight forward, running some wires, throttle, the steering cables etc.
This is probably the coolest build I have seen on this site! Keep up the good work and lemme know if you wanna ever get rid of it. I have a little kiddo that would die for this!
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