Modding Ebox for engine removal

I've searched a little bit, and couldn't find what I'm looking for. May be because I don't know what to search. But, I'm curious as to what can be done to the Ebox/stator connections to make engine removal a little quicker, and not have to pull out the Ebox with it...I know my friends ski has marine style connectors on his stator wires and external posts for his battery and starter connections, but where do I find the posts for the Ebox connections? Any Write-ups on this?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Honestly, its 2 bolts and it all comes out. I do not like splices in stator wires, to much chance for issues. Years ago a buddy could never decide which motor he wanted in which hull, he had 2 SJ's. I do not know how many times we swapped motors. But we got to where we could do the complete swap in 30 minutes. I would work on one, he the other. It is not worth sacrificing reliability
Yeah it was more of a ease of moving type was a pain lugging the ebox around with the engine everytime I moved it...I didn't want to pull the flywheel And stator etc just to not have to carry the Ebox around..

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I work on diesel and gas engines everyday that have these connectors on them...I don't see it being a reliability issue

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Gas and Diesel engines are not going underwater and riding in salt water everyday like our ski's do. Water is an electrical systems worse nightmare. Case in point. 2002, I was in 2nd place at a race, wiped out, went to crank the ski, nothing........... got towed in, then hit the button, fired up, but the race was over.... A little salt water ruined my day, these were at the OEM Connections for the start stop switch....... It is just not worth it to me, yes, it would be convenient.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
OP isn't riding salt water but I still agree with BK on this one. I did two skis with the quick disconnects and put them both back to OEM within a year.

JSS offers the parts or service for the external posts and shorter battery leads to match.

I just ordered a bunch of the battery terminal quick connects to do a set of cables for a customer with a fresh water ski so we are going to see how that works out.
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