Super Jet more mag pump ?'s


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Solas doesn't make/sell a 155 mag.
Really only two options: Skat or Maxx. About $2,500 vs. $1,700


Ya I put the joint down and realized that. as well edited my post
what i dont understand, is why was the dude that found his profile, looking at a guys profile, that was clearly intended for females? does the guy that found it have a little sugar in his tank? i read it and it fall under acceptable BS. only lie to women and the police are my rules of thumb. the problem is, if you dont deliver in the sack the first time, you arent going to be getting any return customers.

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Tim, a mag pump is never a waste of money. BUT...make sure the parts that you are about to buy used are in good shape and the parts you need. Otherwise you will be chasing your tail forever trying to get your ski setup. The php 898 in my circus was good enough to score a very newbie flat water rider (me) a 2nd in am freestyle and I loaned it to Joe Ekert who placed second in pro class with it in Racine this weekend. The ski was hands down the most powerful 900 in the field. You have the same setup with a different ignition and stock pump. Unless your flame is really holding you back a set back 155 mag will not be a waste of money. I was not aware a ROK came setup for a 155 pump. Are you sure you or whoever modded it to accept it did it correctly?
Thanks Zach the parts I am buying are brand new. According to wdk's web site the hull is good for up to 155 mm pumps. So I just replaced the 144pump shoe with a 155 mm shoe.
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