Motocross rider breaks back in Long Beach leap

Motocross rider breaks back in Long Beach leap

Thursday, January 18, 2007

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(01-18) 10:10 PST Long Beach, Calif. (AP) --

A motocross rider who set a record by backflipping over the fountains at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas broke a bone in his lower back while stunt-jumping near the Queen Mary.

Mike Metzger, 31, was hurt Wednesday after he completed a backflip over a 75-foot gap between two barges. The stunt was being taped for the Discovery Channel show "Stunt Junkies."

"He did the backflip, but when he landed, he landed hard on the back wheels of his bike and hurt his back," Discovery Channel spokesman Andrew Scafetta said. "He fractured his L-4 vertebra. He's doing fine, but he will be in the hospital for a couple of days."

"He was doing well and was cheerful, considering the nature of his injury," city fire Capt. Mike Duree said.

Metzger's dirt bike went into the water and had to be retrieved by divers.

In May, Metzger jumped 125 feet over the fountains at Caesars Palace, becoming the first person to compete a backflip over the landmark.

Did I read that correct?

He landed it, but so hard it fractured his vertebre. Thats a hard landing. Kinda like when Travis dislocated his spine from his pelvis.

Yeah....the bike usually seems to fair better than the rider.

My favorite is when someone jumps off and there bike lands perfect and rolls another 100 feet.
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