Motor mount bolt broke

Pulled my motor mounts today and a bolt snapped off. Drilled it and broke an easy out off inside it. Now there's no way to weld to it. So Now I'm guessing I have to replace the insert. Question is how do I get the insert out? Any help is really appreciated. I'm so lost at this point.
Anybody know a good way to get the insert out? I have it drilled out now but the hole is not centered, sound I just keep going bigger until the insert is completely gone then put a new insert in and epoxy around it?
Yeah I know, had an impatient moment and honestly thought the easy out would do the trick. What's the best way to get the insert out so I can replace it? Use a 3/4 hole saw and cut it out? I Can't think of any other way so any help would be awesome.
every time i put bolts into a hull were water expose i dip the ends in greese just a little dab helps later on i notice. I think yhe motor mount done hit up cold fusion he has some nice ones or look uder parts i see them all the time
I jacked up an insert on a hull a few years ago. Ended up drilling it one size over and retapping the brass insert and it was fine from that point onwards. Sounds like you might have to grind everything out and reglass/panel bond in a new insert.
Think there's anyway of avoiding cutting the entire thing off? I've heard of people spinning the insert and and replacing it but nobody explains how they replaced it.
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Do you have pics of what you are working with? If you can drill it oversize slightly off center as it is right now, you can always drill out the motor mount to match it.
those brass inserts are molded into the hull when built. i've never had to remove one but its probably got a shoulder at the bottom to keep it from just pulling out. if you do get it out, you could probably use plexis to put something in there. if you can oversize and use whats in there, i'd definatly do that. i once had a stripped insert on my WDK rev and i just self tapped a 3/8 bolt in there and good as new.
I'll try to get some pics but Yeah I thought about that too but the insert is so jacked I don't really trust it. I don't know if the one side is even thick enough to hold threads for a bolt
I just recently snapped a bolt off in that stupid insert then snapped two drill bits drilling it out. I cut the instert out then glassed a stainless bolt upside down to make a stud for a nut and lock washer.
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