Motorized Skateboards

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just joe

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I have 2 49cc 2-stroke :bigeyes: skateboards if anyone is interested. They both start and run great. I bought them direct from China, experimenting with importing from there. They are a blast, but we are moving and I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff, including these. Great on pavement, but even more fun on dirt and BMX tracks :)biggrin: ) You don't really get too much air, but racing friends around the track on these is a blast.

One is 100% stock except for aluminum brake and throttle. The other is 100% stock, but the control handle was cut down for one hand operation, with aluminum brake and throttle. Can switch foot holds for regular or goofy.

I'd sell them for $150 each plus shipping. That's exactly what I paid for them, so when you see places selling them for $350+, you get an idea of why so many gas stations started selling China motorized products.

PM if interested.



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