Motorized stuff doesnt like me.


So yesterday was supposed to be a good day. I had my battery charged for my ski and my boat. Put the battery in my ski, checked everything over, went to start it up and i had nothing. not a click or anything. So being frustrated i went to start the boat. Put the battery in, checked everything over, trim works, blower works, bilge works, put the ears on, started the water, turned the key and nothing. Why do motors hate me lol. And its wayyyy too hot to figure out what the problem is. I should just sell everything and just go surfing. The board never fails me lol.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I am pretty darn sure we ALL have those days and yes, they really suck!!! Every few months I will get up early on a Sat AM and have grand plans of everything I am going to get done that day and NOTHING will start or work right. I am finally old enuf to understand that after the 1st mech failure it's time to call it a day even if it's on 7AM. The messed up part is you go back out the next day and everything is fine! Explain that one!
hahah...sorry to hear about your day. But I'm in the same "boat" as you. I'm stuck here in Phoenix while we wait for some parts. I was going to go ride around the lake today, on an old shop boat...but I get no love from the starter either.
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