MSD TL question

i have the old school 4270. its been working fine for me for a few seasons now. But recently when i put the ski in the water, she wont rev up. i have BJ 44s and they're very clean. i doubt its a fuel issue. so anyway, i was dissasembling the ski yesterday and i decided to check my timing. my TL led stays dimly lit without the turn on wire hooked up. when i put the fuse in the turn on wire, and turn the motor by hand, i can see the LED light up bright just befor eTDC like its supposed to, but when i unhook the fuse( like turning the ignition off) to the turn on wire, the LED stays dimly lit. doesnt that mean a bad brain? ski revs fine out of water and i verified both plugs are firing by eliminating one at a time. but under a load, it just wont go. it kind of sputters and back fires indicating a timing issue.
thats what im thinking. i also failed to mention that when i was turning over the crank by hand to see the led, every time the led lit up, the brain made a little squeak noise. im not kidding. i did it like 10 times just to make sure i was actually hearing what i was hearing.

Now im looking for a 4270 total loss brain for sale. anyone?
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