Msd water injection help

Superjet 701 dry pipe type 4 water injection im getting red light at startup but no green light with throttle rev looked for some info on settings but no real help anyone have any info that will help
You could put a test light on the wires coming to the soliniod and test the control signal from the msd switch.. My soliniod was bad to, it fell apart after awhile lol..

I used continues injection and adjusted with a jet on mine when thought my msd was bad. So you got other options if needed..
You could put a test light on the wires coming to the soliniod and test the control signal from the msd switch.. My soliniod was bad to, it fell apart after awhile lol..

I used continues injection and adjusted with a jet on mine when thought my msd was bad. So you got other options if needed..
You could put a test light on the wires coming to the soliniod and test the control signal from the msd switch.. My soliniod was bad to, it fell apart after awhile lol..

I used continues injection and adjusted with a jet on mine when thought my msd was bad. So you got other options if needed..
U mean
You could put a test light on the wires coming to the soliniod and test the control signal from the msd switch.. My soliniod was bad to, it fell apart after awhile lol..

I used continues injection and adjusted with a jet on mine when thought my msd was bad. So you got other options if needed..
Did u just run a cooling line to the injection needle. So it sprayed all the time? Doesnt rhat take away alot from mid to top?
Yes and yes.... I was letting you know their are other ways to do it if what you got now ends up not working out.

Personally i prefer the control of Ewci so it's not spraying all the time.
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