My 24-7 fullthrotle stuck up xmetal build

boat looks sweet! i thought mine was cool, looks like ian keeps stepping it up with each one he does!! plus the material he uses, anybody can do it at home, super easy to work with, no bubbles! any way, cant wait to ride with ya this year!!! less then three months and were back on the water here!


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
That is awesome, all around. Great boat and graphics! Thanks Mark and Pat. He is a great rider and is getting better by the day. Hopefully we will make it your way or you can make it this way this year, maybe the Can-Am ride?
thanks brian, i just cant wait for the ice to melt off my lake so i can ride this thing!

i hope to see you guys again sometime this season, ill have to look into the can am ride.

Time for an update..
A big Thanks goes out to all the companies and people that have helped me out this year the boat looks Killer!!!
I couldnt have made this season happen without you
I will have some pictures up soon!

Thanks to Pat at X-metal i have a sick steering setup and pole, which noticeably improves my riding position.

I also need to thank Ian from, the graphics are intense and i really like the way it looks(i catch myself looking back in my rearview and smiling when i drive around with the ski in my truck) its definately an eye catcher!!!

Mark from FullThrottle and 24/7 has built me some serious brap!!, a nice hood(which is super light and easily put on with one hand), reinforced the hull, and much more. I have gotten to spend a little time so far riding and this thing rips, I am still adjusting to the power.

I cant wait to get some more practice in and do this ski justice.

Thanks Again 24-7, Full Throttle, Stuckup Sticker Co., and Xmetalworks!!
You guys rock.

See you on The Water!!



Region 7 AM Freestyle

This ski is badass i saw it at the p'cola ride.

Chad i dont know if you remeber me i am the kid on the square you were helping me with set-up wakes>?
I definately remember you, keep practicing those setup wakes you will figure them out, all it takes is lots of gas and practice!!

Hope to run into you again sometime this season
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