Time for an update..
A big Thanks goes out to all the companies and people that have helped me out this year the boat looks Killer!!!
I couldnt have made this season happen without you
I will have some pictures up soon!
Thanks to Pat at X-metal i have a sick steering setup and pole, which noticeably improves my riding position.
I also need to thank Ian from Areyoustuckup.com, the graphics are intense and i really like the way it looks(i catch myself looking back in my rearview and smiling when i drive around with the ski in my truck) its definately an eye catcher!!!
Mark from FullThrottle and 24/7 has built me some serious brap!!, a nice hood(which is super light and easily put on with one hand), reinforced the hull, and much more. I have gotten to spend a little time so far riding and this thing rips, I am still adjusting to the power.
I cant wait to get some more practice in and do this ski justice.
Thanks Again 24-7, Full Throttle, Stuckup Sticker Co., and Xmetalworks!!
You guys rock.
See you on The Water!!