Other My compression is 150-150 should I run 93 octane?


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
you loose, have had a shop full of seadoos this year, ski just want go like it used to. tried this oil, it was cheaper. drained the oil, change plugs and they instantly come back to life

Bwhahahaha, get real. I've seen many many many offshore fishing boats run Quicksilver and none of them were babied. It was trolling, or either wide the ******** open to get back to the weigh in. It's all in your head.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
you loose, have had a shop full of seadoos this year, ski just want go like it used to. tried this oil, it was cheaper. drained the oil, change plugs and they instantly come back to life

I'm also calling :bs2:... There are tons of cheaper oils readily available besides quiksilver. I've never met anyone who would call out exactly what oil they used when taking it to a shop. If you specifically asked them what oil they used, then they're calling out quicksilver because it's a good oil and that won't get them in trouble over warranty or pride issues. If the rest of your story is true, the people probably tried using 4 stroke oil.


Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida

tmetz, stock motor + run 87 octane and what ever oil you like. I run dino oil only and the one that costs the least as long as it's rated.
If your GPR is running 120 psi with a milled head than you have a problem.

Well, now that i think about it it may not have a milled head. But i know that stock compression is 120 on the 1300 engine.


The Good Old Days
If your GPR is at stock compression than running anything over what the factory recommends is a waste of money and potential power.

87 octane for you but I would run a better oil in the GPR (Amsoil is good), them power valves like to get gummed up when you run Yamagube.
87 octane and quicksilver is fine for a stock engine as is any TCW-3 rated oil. I use the Pennzoil full synthetic at $23 a gallon. I just get it at Walmart, it runs very clean and is biodegradable. I am running 84.25 bore at 210psi with advanced timing and a MSD enhancer on 110 octane with the full syn Pennzoil for years with zero problems.

same opinion here as keefer...Pennzoil full synthetic runs clean... plugs look super clean...I fully trust it...
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