Super Jet My engine after spending a week in the ocean.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
So my ski decided to go for a swim and sunk for a week. It washed up on shore a week later. Click the link for the full story on that.

Yesterday I finally had a chance to tear into my engine. Sadly it's been sitting for the past 2 months with salt water in it. I figured it was trash anyway, so I wasn't in a huge hurry.

When I first got home I pulled the carbs and cleaned them. These were the only things that I worries about saving. Luckily they were ok, just s bit sandy.

After pulling the carbs the engine sat for a bit.

Then I finally tore into it. All I could do is hope for the best.

She was a bit sandy and salty.

Not much water under the flywheel cover. Just enough to create condensation. The bendix still worked and everything. The starter was absolutely wasted.

The stator was surprisingly clean. That made me happy.

Popped the manifold off. Cooling jackets were full of sand.


Plugs are still good. I've seen worse come out of running skis.

The cylinder was still a bit wet.

Some fun stuff came out of the engine.

One piston is kinda clean.

Lots of sand down here.

The reeds also need a good cleaning.

Today I need to cut the connecting rods with a torch so I can beat the Pistons out of the cylinder.

I think most of the parts will clean up ok.

I'll post up the electrical box pictures when I get around to it.
Sad start but a somewhat better ending. Glad to hear you got it back. Seems like its getting common for riders to lose their ski.
Even tho it was running when you lost it. They say your work or improvements are never done. Look at it as an opportunity to make the improvements you didn't want to stop riding to make. Wish you luck


Cummins hauls my ski to the water
Damn dude for letting it sit like that it's not even that bad you always hear crazy story's about salt water . Stupid me let my ski sit in my shop with about an inch of water in the bottom fresh water too and my motor looks like yours I been so bummed about it
What a bunch of d-bags! Over 500$ just to get your ski back. So hard sometimes not to just grab someone by the throat and keep your cool in a situation like that.
It just pisses me off so bad that certain businesses can just make up whatever price they want and there's nothing you can do about it, you have to pay.

For example here in Southwest Florida if you leave your trash cans by the curb for more than 24 hours it's $150 per day... most people don't even make $150 per day after taxes...
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