My First Barrel Roll!!


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
U go boy-now-u taught me to stab in 2 seconds flat-can u teach me to roll that quick???????? Tell me when and where u are riding again so I can come learn from the MASTA!!!!!!!! U make the learning curve soooooooo freakin easy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just plain me....
SJBrit said:
I did it! My first roll today - and the conditions were perfect.

But I frikkin' rolled!! That was one big wake, and those were teeny bikinis.... :biggthumpup:
boobies.....motivation for anything

totally stoked for you...congrats
:cheer: :Banane01: :hail: :arms: :Banane09:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
BTW - Nothing ended up broke....small hairline crack in my fibia. Ice and tylenol for a week and should be back on the water

Brit...We are going back tot he spot for more milf cruisers so i can throw a roll
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