My Low Battery / Spinning Starter / Bendix Not Engaging Flywheel Theory


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Sacramento Delta
The battery in the FX1 would engage the bendix but not turn over the engine unless I tried it two or three times.

So, I swapped the battery with the new Interstate AGM in the new to us Wave Venture 700 and went riding.

Later I tried to start the Wave Venture and the starter would spin but the bendix wouldn't engage the flywheel.

So, my theory is this: "If the battery is low it may have enough power to spin the starter, but may not have enough power to spin the bendix out to engage the flywheel.

Is my theory correct?


Buy a Superjet
I have the same issue in a couple skis and cant figure it out.



one man with a couch
Have yall checked the starter solenoid/relay?

I am guessing something may be limiting the inrush current "kick" required to get the bendix to engage.

I would check relay, ground connection on block/starter and battery as well as all contacts on the positive side.

What is the cable length and gauge of wire?


john zigler

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The battery in the FX1 would engage the bendix but not turn over the engine unless I tried it two or three times.

So, I swapped the battery with the new Interstate AGM in the new to us Wave Venture 700 and went riding.

Later I tried to start the Wave Venture and the starter would spin but the bendix wouldn't engage the flywheel.

So, my theory is this: "If the battery is low it may have enough power to spin the starter, but may not have enough power to spin the bendix out to engage the flywheel.

Is my theory correct?

Yes, this "Can" happen. You can have a voltage loss from a bad/wek battery, bad or dirty positive, or negative cable, etc. Could also be a bad bendix drive as well.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
You need to check the voltage drop on the battery under a load, put the meter across it, spin the motor over and see what the battery voltage drops to.


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The battery in the FX1 would engage the bendix but not turn over the engine unless I tried it two or three times.

So, I swapped the battery with the new Interstate AGM in the new to us Wave Venture 700 and went riding.

Later I tried to start the Wave Venture and the starter would spin but the bendix wouldn't engage the flywheel.

So, my theory is this: "If the battery is low it may have enough power to spin the starter, but may not have enough power to spin the bendix out to engage the flywheel.

Is my theory correct?
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