My new hematoma!!! YAY!!!


Ann Arbor
Mike youll be alright. Itll be good to go walking wise in a day or two, you should be able to get going back to work in a week.

I did the same thing, bailed a superman off a boatwave in August, was down for about a week. But it was sore and bothered me for at least a month.
You are so lucky.

Many years ago I did a bail after my ski was too high and out of shape. Like you, I ended up partially landing back on my ski with my knee, snapped knee cap (patella) in two - 6 months therapy, remove metal after 1yr, huge ass zipper scar.

Since then, I no longer bail and always ride it out.


South Jersey
Damn bro! Nasty $hit! Two years ago I landed off a wave and I tried to absorb the impact with my legs. As I landed, I started to squat to absorb and then I hit bottom. The back of my thigh hit the edge of the tray and I had a huge mark just like that. It took about 2 weeks to be able to walk OK again and a few months to be back at 100%. Good luck.

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